View Full Version : feel tired drained all the time

10-21-2012, 03:23 PM
Hey every one is this normal
Always feel tired groggy moody ... lost my mojo. Visions rubbish floaty bits in eyes . Burning skin itchy angry moody like a time bomb chest pain burning all the time.. always negative thoughts.full time worker.. dad of a nearly 2 yr old
On beta blockers 80mg papanalol citalapram 10 mg ... starting to hate life... if I dint have my baby or gf I'd prob be dead with all the pressure... anybody else feel like this ,:(

10-21-2012, 04:21 PM
I would say most if not all anxiety disorder sufferers feel or have felt the same... myself included.

Can't say I've had itchy skin though... but I know anxiety can cause skin issues, mainly because the immune system is down, letting otherwise manageable skin bacteria to grow and cause problems.

I noticed you put "hate life". I think this is perhaps the key issue to your current circumstance(s).
Can I ask why?

10-22-2012, 02:26 AM
Stress depression panic fear is the main reason mate

10-22-2012, 05:06 PM
Stress depression panic fear is the main reason mate

These are not the cause of your issues, they are symptoms of the cause.

Why do you stress? why are you depressed? why do you panic? what are you fearing?
The answers to these will hold the key to the cause.


Your job may be the cause
A failing relationship may be the cause
Money worries

10-27-2012, 05:20 PM
I have similar episodes. Our only difference is, you have people around you who you can live for. People who are there to keep you going.

I have a dog. And a fish. Kind of comical really stressing myself out with work, for a dog and a fish.

10-27-2012, 05:34 PM
I think I got ring worm on my bicep from anxiety :/ Killing it with tea tree oil though. I get itchy skin though too, although I think it's because of the cold season and the dry air. ;] Scalp is getting zits too for some stupid reason. Never happened before! I shower twice daily, use really good shampoos and soaps. Can't figure out the issue. I think its the hormonal imbalance crap from Anxiety. Meh

I get a depersonalized feeling sometimes randomly even when I'm not feeling particularly anxious. No chest pains or anything though. Maybe heart burn and stuff. Perhaps your chest thing is heart burn?