View Full Version : Hello everyone, my story of anxiety

10-21-2012, 02:55 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety since I was about 19, but didn't really know what it was until I was 30. I am now 37, and have dealing with it off and on since i was 19. I have never sought help before with a therapist, but I am now trying to find one who can help me. My health doctor put me on Effexor when I was thirty but I don't think it really helped in any way, i was on 75 mg for two years. I slowly got off the drugs, and didn't look back. I still had the same feelings, and i worked through them as i usually do. The only thing that seems to help is me pushing thought it, I would have to stop caring about what its doing to me all together, till i just get so sick of it and give up and let these feelings do the worst. They may leave for awhile but they are always there in the back of my mind, waiting for me to give into them again. Here are a few things about my anxiety, not able to really relax, or enjoy the moment, sometimes light headed, heart palpitations when I get really anxious, worrying about my health.