View Full Version : pissed and aggrivated

10-21-2012, 09:20 AM
Hey im 21 years old been to the doctor 2 or 3 times and to the er once all was well.. well i had my life back for about 1 or 2 months i cant remember it was freakin awsome... well anyways i have felt extremely anxious for a full week like my body CANNOT SIT STILL but my head is absolutely exhuasted... imy heartrate is faster now... when im laying down or wake up in the middle of the night my heart beats pretty fast... i remember when i was calm for that month it was around 60-70bpm... somtimes when i wake up in the middle of the night it feels like it wants to beat outa my chest.... just through the day or when i get home and sit down i can tell its beating faster and harder all the time than when i was before all this came back i tell myself im ok but idk... and i get so tired if dealing with this all the time it makes me pisses all the time... i just wanted to vent... i just need someone that goes through the same thing as i do to talk to sometimes..