View Full Version : Things are bad again

04-09-2007, 06:35 AM

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me over the past few months, but now i need that help again. As some of you may know im currently on citalopram or celexa for my anxiety and have been on it for nearly 5 weeks now and still havent really felt much improvement. I was o.k on saturday but yesterday was such a bad day. I felt nervous all ay and tired and just generally horrible. This has carried on into today and for the last two days ive had a horrible heaache that wont go even with tablets. If anything the medication so far seems to be increasing the symptoms and i just cant get rid of them. Also yesterday an today ive felt v.miserable and just down and sad. Ive totally had enough of this it just wont gpo and im once again v.close to giving up. I feel nauseous / tired / dizzy and lots of others. Ive also still got this crackling noise in the back of my head, the doc thinks it is nothing and has ruled out sinus problems but im not so sure. The tablets dont seem to be working and im really loosing hope. Even when i have a better day it seems to come back even worse on the next day. Please help me if you can. Thanks


V for Victor
04-09-2007, 08:17 AM
It may be that citalopram just isn't the medication for you. If it's not helping, I'd recommend seeing the doctor about switching to a different type. Sometimes you have to try a few different kinds before you get the right one. I know a guy who was REALLY uptight, and he had to try several different pills until he got just the right one for him.

Don't give up hope. Once you find the right medication, many of your physical symptoms of anxiety should lessen and disappear.

04-09-2007, 01:36 PM
Have you tried Fioricet? I had a lot of trouble with my trapezius muscles. That is where I felt the pain, but come to find out I have migraines without a head ache. It is not common but the neurologists that diagnosed me said that he has seen it before in anxiety patients.

Either way it is worth a try to get some relief. When you are in constant pain all the time you can't shake the depression or anxiety. But amazingly when you are pain free things are easier. Not saying easy but easier.