View Full Version : I just want my brain back.

10-21-2012, 06:33 AM
Hi all. I'm brand new here. Well, as far as posting goes. I've browsed this forum numerous times looking for some advice.

I've been dealing with full blown anxiety & panic attacks for 3 years now. After seeing my doc, I started off taking Lexapro. It worked wonders! I was getting the lexapro from a drug assistance program. My doctor's office screwed up about 4 months ago and lost the paperwork I brought in. I was down to a few pills and could not afford the $150 for a month prescription. So, I decided to switch meds, to something I could afford on my own.

That brought me to Prozac. Or it's generic, fluoxetine. At first, it was great! I felt even better than when I was on lexapro. That lasted about 3 months. I really don't know what happened... I don't know if it just stopped working for me, or if something else was going on, but I had a panic attack at work, out of the blue. I started doing research on natural supplements, and therapy, etc.... because I would LOVE to get off these drugs. In the meantime, I talked to my doc and he switched me to celexa/citalopram. I've been on that for just a few days. I *think* it's helped, but I've still had to stay home from work, and haven't gone anywhere... and have had a few "episodes".

This is all very frustrating for me. I never used to have issues like this until 3 years ago. So, here I am, almost 39, and I feel like I'm losing it. Most of my anxiety is due to health. I lost both of my parents at a young age, and now that I'm getting close to the ages they were when they died, I think I'm freaking myself out. I'm doing my best to breathe, and tell myself it's nothing. Sometimes it works.

I'm just going to continue to read, educate myself, and have hope that I can overcome this. I have to overcome this, because I want my brain back. I want my life back. :)