View Full Version : Symptoms of anxiety?

10-20-2012, 03:29 PM
Hi everyone I'm Lou I new here and just wanted to know what symptoms everyone get due to anxiety? I get daily headaches dizziness and started getting nausea too. Not easy to live with at all

10-20-2012, 09:58 PM
Hi Lou. Ive had anxiety disorder for 3 yrs but learned how to control it. Pardon typos as im on cellll phone. But lately im experiencing much different symptoms such as a painful crack at the base if my head somtimes whrn i turn my head. And it hurts. Dont knw if its anxiety related but concrned

10-20-2012, 10:00 PM
My regular aymptoms are headaches nausea pAlpitations racing heart back pain shoulder pain.

10-21-2012, 03:01 AM
Dizziness lightheadedness, weakness in legs/off balance and nausea are my every day all day symptoms. Sometimes headaches at night.

10-21-2012, 05:06 AM
Hi everyone I'm Lou I new here and just wanted to know what symptoms everyone get due to anxiety? I get daily headaches dizziness and started getting nausea too. Not easy to live with at all

Assuming you've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, then...

Anxious folk in "fight or flight" mode often experience varied & horrific physical symptoms... not least of all headaches, dizziness & nausea.

Understand that your partially malfunctioned brain believes you are under serious threat and so prepares you for such, which fully explains your experiences / sensations / symptoms / overwhelming fear.

Also understand that, apart from your over-reaction to fear, there's absolutely, categorically nothing wrong with you.