View Full Version : should I find a new therapist?

10-20-2012, 02:21 PM
I first started going to this therapist in '06 and the sessions were very helpful. I chose him because he is a European expat who I knew would understand my struggles with reverse culture shock and the difficulties of moving country. He successfully diagnosed me with depression even when I was in denial about it and recognized my need for an anti-depressant.

Now, about 4 years after I stopped going to him, I decided to try therapy again because, as the therapist actually predicted in previous sessions, my relationship with my dad and his ladyfriend has become shaky and is mostly the cause of the return of my anxiety attacks. So I figured he would be the logical choice because he already knows my background.
I am definitely not in need of an anti-depressant again, and he agrees with that. But, what has me worried about the effectiveness of the therapy this time around, is that he could not understand what the big deal is/was when I mentioned that my latest anxiety attack was triggered by my dad and his ladyfriend declining to stay at my house longer while my husband was overseas visiting family. He implied that in my mid-late 30's I should not need parents anymore. When I further talked about my angst over my dad always prioritizing his ladyfriend's needs over the needs of his kids, the therapist replied it is understandable because it's a new relationship...but it is NOT a new relationship...they've been together for about 7 years! So, I feel like the therapist isn't listening anymore, or maybe doesn't have the capacity to understand my point of view because he's not a woman. My instinct is telling me to either find a new therapist or drop therapy and just seek advice from forums.

Rob Mc
10-20-2012, 04:37 PM
Hi, trust your gut feeling, it is your greatest truth. Rob

10-21-2012, 04:05 AM
It seems to me that you're running away when things get rocky, and people don't tell you what you want to hear. Maybe he has a point... Have you thought about that?

10-21-2012, 04:57 AM
It seems to me that you're running away when things get rocky, and people don't tell you what you want to hear. Maybe he has a point... Have you thought about that?

He does have a point, but it's not his job to dismiss the underlying issues he's paid to solve.
Nothing worse than being told you're a pussy by your therapist, lol

To the original poster:

You probably feel you're losing your dad to this woman, but you DO need to understand that both he and you have your own life to lead.
He'll always be around, but not necessarily to the level which you (and your anxiety) demand of the old guy.

Be happy that he's happy.