View Full Version : Symptoms

10-20-2012, 08:40 AM
Have not had an anxiety or panic attack in 4 months, hallelujah. However, the SYMPTOMS of anxiety and panic are still present. Ex. Electric shock feelings in my upper body, mostly chest area, tingling in limbs, palps and such. I have not reacted to the symptoms, and have let them pass without much thought. My question is, will they always be there? Will I always feel them? Do people without anxiety and panic get them too? Ive been blessed to go this long without an episode. I will always have it, but I can manage it. And may I add, without meds. Grateful for each good day.

10-20-2012, 11:31 AM
>Symptoms: My question is, will they always be there?

I doubt if anyone can answer this.

Once we cross the barrier of normal anxiety over to the next level up; fight or flight - we seem to have done some pretty harsh damage to the part of the brain which controls our fear. Not irrepairable, but harsh nonetheless.

It seems we have found a new dimension to fear. We have unlocked the secret doors which once kept fight or flight at bay - and now we're left with a bloody hard struggle to push close and lock those doors back up again.

Unless you are able to completely rid of your inner turmoils / stresses / issues / anxieties, then my guess is that once fight or flight has become regular, it's going to stay regular for a very long time.

How long, nobody knows? until the day comes that you are completely at peace and happy with yourself and with the world around you. Not an easy task - as we all know.

You may have conquered panic attacks but this is only half the battle. Panic attacks are purely a side effect of the main cause / core issue(s)

My GUESS is that yes, fight or flight can be contained once again... but it aint gonna happen overnight.
If I were to put an absolute time on it, I'd guess between a few and many tens of years - depending on how well you're dealing with it.

It is absolutely VITAL that we deal with our issues. For as long as they linger, so will fight or flight - imo.

10-20-2012, 02:19 PM

Me too I didnt Get any panic attacks for 3 months but i still Had these annoying symptoms until yesterday I had a very Bad panic attack which lasted for a long time now am a Reck back to sqaure one ! and as for your question i couldnt agree more with Dazza