View Full Version : does this sound like anxiety

10-20-2012, 07:49 AM
When I seem to let things get to me everything goes loud in my ears and I always seem to hear music when it happens I find it hard to say what I want to say because of the loudness it will last for about 2-3 mins but after it happens I'm right nervous can't relax on edge. I also suffer from like a flutter as if my heart has misssed a beat but I have noticed that this happens because I'm not breathing right like I'm holding my breath.It's scary and I feel like something bad is going to happen.

10-20-2012, 02:45 PM
Definitely sounds like anxiety. If I'm keyed up everything seems so much louder"

10-21-2012, 05:29 AM
Yes... but moreover, the flutter you experience is probably a palpitation - an ACTUAL skipped or rapid beat which is a DIRECT result of fright, or more precisely - the exact point at which your brain triggers fight or flight mode.

The fight or flight trigger usually goes unnoticed, but you're one of the, how should I put it... lucky ones!
You are experiencing the fear switch... the point at which your brain reacts to a threat.

Manifestations of this sudden switch are interesting. You will often feel a brief tunnel vision sensation / heart palpitation / hollow chest / face flush / jelly legs... to name a few.