View Full Version : Fingernails

10-20-2012, 04:54 AM
I know this is really weird but has anyone's fingernails changed colour during anxiety :s

10-20-2012, 05:31 AM
Hmm nope. But they've certainly been bitten down at some points.

10-20-2012, 06:03 AM
Mine randomly go red , not all the time but they go red for a few days then go back to normal! Then my nail beds can sometimes go dark and a different colour it's weird! It worrys me loads thinking I'm not Getting enough oxygen etc

10-20-2012, 06:18 AM
Mmm. You sure its not the skin under the nail? Like if I press my thumb on my index finger, the nail presses against the skin or whatever underneath and it shows red through it. Mine go darker when I'm cold.. like If I'm out in the cold winter weather without gloves. I don't think it has much to do with oxygen except maybe blueish or purple nails. That would suggest lack of oxygen or something.

10-20-2012, 06:32 AM
Mine aren't blue or purple, there more red :s it's weird, I do file my nails a lot and get them done from the shop a lot maybe the nail has thinned out and the skin under is shown more because it is thin! It's weird !

10-20-2012, 06:34 AM
That'd be my guess, the thinner they are the more you can see that red skin underneath.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think once they've thickened against or whatever you'll find them returning to the normal pink.

10-20-2012, 07:29 AM
Thanks for your help ! I've even been to doctors s about it and they say there normal x

10-21-2012, 05:39 AM

You worry me slightly.
Nail discolouration can be an indication of one of several possible issues. You've also complained of high blood pressure on another thread.

Does the same doctor who looked at your nails know of your high blood pressure?
(If not - they should)

If I were you I would get a second opinion, taking into account both your high bp and red nails.

10-21-2012, 09:18 AM
Why would you care? Why are you worried! It has nothing to do with you, you clearly think you know everything! Ill write anything that I want to on this page thank you very much, if you don't like it don't read it simple as! I've been to my doctor and the raised Bp has nothing to do with my nails being red, my nails are red because they are so thin and worn down from all the therapy I've had done to them that the skin an blood underneath is showing ! But, as I haven't seen my nails like this before and with me suffering with anxiety I thought it might of been related. No need for your sarcastic comments all the time. It's my account and my life I can write anything I want to! :) so dazza please stop thinking you know it all !

10-21-2012, 09:50 AM
I care because I've been through hell and back with anxiety / panick over the past 10 months and I'd like to think I can help others from time to time.
That's what this forum is for.

Since you seem to think I'm ALWAYS sarcastic, I'll tell you straight why I was concerned.
I'm probably (& hopefully) completely wrong, but if I wasn't then I could have potentially spotted something quite serious.

This, as with most posts, prompted me to go read about the possible causes of nail discolouration.
Red nails came up as a possible indication of heart problems.

So, with reading this and being aware of your other thread re. high blood pressure, some alarm bells rang and I came to a slightly concerned conclusion.

If you believe you know why your nails are red, and why you have high bp then that's fine - there's nothing to worry about.

10-21-2012, 10:09 AM
And that's exactly why I posted about my fingernails because google say that red finger nails indicate a heart problem.... Here's a little story,
I am all into getting my nails done and beauty therapy etc, so I bought my own nail kit where I sat every night filing and putting different solutions on my nails for practice... For several days I would spend my time putting loads o things on my nails filing them until they hurt etc! And when I've started with my anxiety, googling symptoms, I've started to pay attention in every little thing happening in my body! I got scared by the posts about red nails so I went to the doctor and they said my nails where fine and that they are a sign of good health which is really weird! So I forgot about them and last week I started to think wow my nails have gone back to normal colour! And I was really happy that they have went back, durin this time I had no solutions on my nails for several weeks etc, and last week my friend asked me to use my nail file, and after she used it I have it ago, and then 2 days after using the file my nails have started to turn back red! And when I touch them they are really painful, I think that it's just because they are thin so the blood shows more under them. I have no family history of heart problems, and I am 15 years old, chances are very low for me having a heart problem but I do know where your coming from!

10-21-2012, 10:39 AM
Also going back to my Bp.... It isn't always high ive been to doctors 3 times and it has been perfect, 119 etc which is great, if I had a heart problem don't you think it would never go down?

10-21-2012, 03:07 PM
Also going back to my Bp.... It isn't always high ive been to doctors 3 times and it has been perfect, 119 etc which is great, if I had a heart problem don't you think it would never go down?

I don't know the answer to this one poppet. Only a medical doctor could tell you that.

One side of me is saying that I'm being way overly cautious with you, the other is still pondering on a possible link between your nails and Bp.
Probably pure coincidence... I just couldn't help pick up on it!

10-21-2012, 03:17 PM
Even when I go to bite my nails their very tender and they hurt ! I just think that I have thinned them down too much .. I honestly know what you mean with the Bp too, but like I have just said, my Bp isn't constantly high, it is actually only when I feel anxious and had a stressful day! I've never had problems with it in my life either I'm on the contraceptive pill and I get it checked every month never had a problem with it since now ! X

10-21-2012, 03:24 PM
Even when I go to bite my nails their very tender and they hurt ! I just think that I have thinned them down too much .. I honestly know what you mean with the Bp too, but like I have just said, my Bp isn't constantly high, it is actually only when I feel anxious and had a stressful day! I've never had problems with it in my life either I'm on the contraceptive pill and I get it checked every month never had a problem with it since now ! X

Ok, well... as much as I know you love doing your nails, how about backing off them for a few weeks?
(By all means file the edges, but otherwise leave them alone and give them a chance to heal)

I would also re-visit the docs to be sure.

Thin nails can also lead to infections, e.g. whitlows - which can be very painful and in some circumstances, need surgery.

Give your nails the break they deserve! :-)

10-21-2012, 03:28 PM
I gave them a few weeks rest and last week I thoight wow they have gone back to normal I was so pleased! So I decided to file them again... And the redness has come back! I think they just need to strengthen and If they don't improve in a few weeks I will go back, but I feel like a drama queen goin because of my nails! They will prob laugh at me lol. But does it make sense to you? Thin red and tender and hurt ? More like worn down and over used than a health problem?

10-21-2012, 03:58 PM
I gave them a few weeks rest and last week I thoight wow they have gone back to normal I was so pleased! So I decided to file them again... And the redness has come back! I think they just need to strengthen and If they don't improve in a few weeks I will go back, but I feel like a drama queen goin because of my nails! They will prob laugh at me lol. But does it make sense to you? Thin red and tender and hurt ? More like worn down and over used than a health problem?

Crikey... what type of file are you using? a metal-workers file!!?

I don't know ANYTHING about nail filing, lol... but it sounds like you're filing not just the edges, but the entire surface!?
This doesn't sound like normal practice to me!? (might be wrong... never really paid attention to the missus doing her nails but I'm pretty sure she doesn't file the surface)

If this is the case then I would seriously consider NOT filing the surfaces. It won't make any difference to how pretty you look!
Not good for your nails and fingers!

Yes, it makes sense... but, well, you know why I'm saying "but"

Don't worry about what the doc. thinks of you. Just go (and tell him/her I told you to, lol)
You could justify the visit from the fact that red nails & high Bp "could" indicate a heart issue (ANDDDDD.... your doc. will think you're clever in that you've done some medical research for the visit)

10-21-2012, 04:04 PM
Yeaa!!! I use a very strong nail file , a professional one and I file the full nail hahaha the full thing !! Ill go back to doctors and let them know if anything hasn't improved maybe they could give me something to help strengthen them! I knew heart problems are accosiated with red nails and Bp!! That's why I posted this just to see If it was a anxiety symptom and it's obviously not! Even putting pressure Onto my nails the blood shows a lot underneath .
Would just like to say thank you very much for all this kind information! With my anxiety I just expect the worst! I just feel like I'm going to die from a huge heart problem or something, then I look back to my age range lol it's just so scary!

10-21-2012, 04:15 PM
As mentioned in e-mail...

Two other possibilites:

Diabetes and Firbromyalgia

Best to be safe than sorry - get checked.