View Full Version : What helps you sleep?

10-20-2012, 01:57 AM
I have been having major problems sleeping and it's causing my head to feel tense. Anyone experiences this? And what helps? Thanks

10-20-2012, 02:09 AM
Counting backwards from 1000 (I have only made it all the way to 0 twice!) works for me. I also establish a serious bed time routine; a nice cup of tea, no food 2 hours before bed, no vigorous exercise, reading often helps too.

In dire circumstances I use an app called 'brainwaves' that produces ambient noise which tends to help me sleep. You can set the program for different purposes, like deep sleep, a nap, lucid dreams - I'm a bit skeptical of that aspect, but the 'space' music always helps me relax and doze off.

I'll occasionally do some meditation where I'll play the ocean track on the app above and visualize myself lying on a beautiful beach. Then I'll deliberately relax every single one of my muscles starting at my toes and working up.

Try not to stress about it and even if you CANNOT sleep, don't agonise over it. I have had to get through 9-10 hour work days on 2-3 hours sleep and I'm obviously exhausted by the end of the day, so I sleep well that night. If I am struggling to sleep and can't turn the old brain off, I just ensure my body is relaxing and I cycle through the above until I drop off eventually.

Good luck.

10-20-2012, 02:18 AM
Thanks. I had a cup of tea at around 11 pm and now it's 3 am and I'm still not sleeping. I drink sleepy time tea and that use to help but I guess not anymore. It discourages me. I fear that I have like some sickness or something an is dying. Or dying due to lack of sleep, maybe that's silly. I just really wish I could sleep a full 8 hours. The most I get is 6 and it sucks. My head gets tense and my s all gets sore.

Thank you for the suggestions. I'm going to try counting backwards right now.

10-20-2012, 04:27 AM
When I have trouble sleeping I take over the counter meds like nytol (not the herbal one as it does nothing for me). I am lucky though as it helps me fall asleep and I feel fine the next day but I know some folk who feel groggy the day after taking them. I did try prescribed meds for sleeping like nitrazepam and diazepam but they did not help much and my head was so fuzzy the next day I was good for nothing. But some people take them and they really help and they don't get the "hangover" feeling the day after. I think with trying things for sleep it's trial and error. If you are going to try pills remember some will work for you and some won't but it can be worth trying them out.

10-20-2012, 05:35 AM
I watch movies to help fall asleep. Sometimes listen to music. I used to use melatonin a lot, but when anxiety happened I guess I accused it of being a cause and threw it out. x.X Haven't needed it since though so haven't picked any more up. Tea works fine for me. Also, I find having somebody else in my bedroom with me makes sleeping SO much easier even if it's just a pet dog or cat. Gives me a good sense of security.

10-20-2012, 05:54 AM
I have been having major problems sleeping and it's causing my head to feel tense. Anyone experiences this? And what helps? Thanks

If all else fails - half a valium/diazepam half hr before bed should sort you out short term. Anxiety is suppressed & it makes you sleepy.

Luuurrvvvllllyyyy :-)