View Full Version : paranoia

04-08-2007, 04:07 PM
Just wondering if anyone has experienced serious paranoia with his/her anxiety? I have been terrible to my boyfriend, grilling him and anything and everything because I get really paranoid and anxious. I have no reason to be- he is fantastic. Anyone experience this? Thank you

04-09-2007, 12:57 PM
yeah I have that prob also, i have by FAR the best boyfriend in the world and i grill the shit outta him, and i blame it on my anxiety because i know thats why I am the way i am.

He knows about my anxiety and tries SO hard to understand, but i grill him so much at times its scarey!!

poor guy lol

04-15-2007, 07:54 AM
i have prob with paranoia at times as well... i don't usually grill my boyf though, but when i get drunk i get it in my head that he is really planing to leave me and so i start pushing him away... ( i was at a party last night and i did just that)

when i woke up this morning i was so worried that he was mad at me. but he was great! he wasn't mad, he just helped me think more constructivly about this and he said that he understood where i was coming from.

i think i get worried about this cause i have been terible for years... i.e. i used to have major depressive episodes all the time. and its not that easy to deal with and 5 years of living with me he is still here..

ooo also i get a bit paranoid after he has been at work parties (w he works in a kindergarden, there are 2 men who work there, and lots of women.) and i trust him with several of them but i do get worried that he will like fall in love iwth one of them... is this silly?

i feel silly when i take in those thoughts