View Full Version : This is IT!!

10-19-2012, 08:30 PM
I'm using the livestrong app to quit smoking. Doing the cut down to quit approach. My sister and two of my close friends have quit this year, so now is my time too.

I was going to make this my new year's resolution, but now I plan to be smoke free for a month as of the start of 2013.

I'm petrified about gaining weight, but my New Year's resolution this year will be to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the year, so with careful food choices and plenty of running, I'm going to kick this in the ass once and for all!

Anyone keen to join me?

10-20-2012, 01:22 AM
Good for you! Best of luck to you. Quitting smoking is really hard. I quit, but now I occasionally smoke a couple when I drink alcohol (bad bad) so I guess that means I haven't fully quit. I need to learn to control that impulse.

10-20-2012, 03:40 AM
Good luck to you,
I quit about a year & a half ago using the patch. I gained about 10lbs because I let myself eat all kinds of junk food to take my mind off the craving. The way I saw it, gaining a few lbs is a lot healthier than pumping all that poison around my body.

So best of luck to all you trying to quit :)