View Full Version : Anxiety or Love?

10-19-2012, 03:26 PM
Okay, soo I have recently started college and I have been suffering really badly with anxiety, panic attacks and eating problems for the last 3 months.
However, recently I have noticed it getting worse, I was just talking to my friends when all of a sudden it just hit me, the horrible anxiety feeling just before a panic attack. Thankfully, it didn't develop.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, there is a boy I really like and we have got really close after the last few weeks. The point is my anxiety seems to play up more than usual whenever I think about him... Could this be I have real feelings for him and it's adding to my problem or am I just looking for another way to be anxious if you get what I mean? :L

10-20-2012, 02:01 AM
It's probably a combination of both. I often get anticipatory anxiety before an exciting/fun event (like a concert, or going to a party) because the adrenaline rush tricks my body into thinking I'm about to have an attack.

Then the focus directs towards the anxiety and suddenly, I'll go from anxious to panicking all because I'm excited about something!!

It could be because you're excited about seeing or interacting with this guy that you're keen on. The important thing is not to let it stop you doing anything!!