View Full Version : tough day

04-07-2007, 02:30 PM
Its been a tough day for me today, i had a breakdown 7 years ago and me and anxiety have been buddies for a good while now, do you guys get bored of it?, i mean it dosn't scare me so much anymore, thankfully i know all the tricks to tame it, but i still buzz pretty bad sometimes, I've not slept for a couple of days and today well, you all know the score.

You can ignore the next bit, its just babble but i need a distraction right now;
Here goes with some with some positivite thoughts;

- Its spring! its beautiful.

- I'm anxious over a disagreement with someone, but in reality its a minor thing and normally i get on well with people.

- My anxiety is bad today, but ive been doing great for a long while now occassional blips are perfectly normal. Everyone get anxious sometimes.

- I have lots of techniques to help manage my anxiety, which i know work, and i can use to make myself much better soon, just be patient.

- I'm very lucky I have amazingly kind and understanding familiy and a great friend i can talk to

- Its ok to have disagreements with people, if i think people are treating badly its ok to tell them.

- Its ok if someone dosn't like me

- Its ok to say no

- I did a great job at standing my ground today, i felt so proud.

- I will feel better, and will be able to think clearly again soon

- i'm going to feel so much better tomorrow and enjoy my weekend break


V for Victor
04-09-2007, 08:27 AM
That's a great list of positive thoughts! Sounds like you've really learned to control your anxiety.

This thread ought to be a sticky thread so newcomers can learn see how positive thinking can really help.

04-09-2007, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the support victor,
I'm not sure I've learnt to 'control' my anxiety, but I think i've learnt to tame it a little.

I have learnt some very important things over the years:

- My anxiety will not kill me or cause me any long term physical harm.
- I am not mad, going insane or abnormal.
- There are many techniques available, positive thinking being just one, that really can improve my quality of life
- Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of
- When feeling anxious you must try be patient, something always changes, you always start to feel a little better, eventually, I promise.

04-15-2007, 07:44 AM
willwander: great posts! and its a nice reminder of the power of positive thinking! i'm having a really bad day myself. and right now i really needed a reminder that i need to think positiv. so thank you! :)

04-16-2007, 12:46 PM
That is awesome! Good for you!