View Full Version : No meds

10-18-2012, 08:59 PM
Hey I've been having this for 2 months now and I refuse to take the meds when I was first diagnosed I tried Xanax and Ativan Ativan was ok but then I was given a beta blocker which caused me to have 5 attacks a day . Xanax gave me a huge rash& Ativan I was just drunk not too bad.

But now I was given Zoloft and I'm afraid to use it I mostly just try to get thru each day as my main goal & pray a lot!!

I'm taking baby steps with going bk out in the social world but so far I'm better when I'm not home ..

Does anybody else refuse meds?

10-19-2012, 09:21 AM
I found this, changed meds & the ones im on now (sertraline) are working fine.