View Full Version : Go away anxiety plz

10-18-2012, 08:43 PM
Hey everyone I'm interested in finding out when does anxiety go away ?

10-18-2012, 09:12 PM
Are you on any sorts of medicine or plan with your doctor? And anxiety doesn't just go away. You'll always have it, medicine and talking to a psychiatrist are long time plans.

10-18-2012, 09:53 PM
Yep. It's tough, it's just your fear response having a small bug that needs repair. Repair takes time, sometimes takes medicines, sometimes only needs willpower, healthy diet and what not. It takes time because you need to find what method works for you :]

Like forwells mentioned, try reading through the stickies. When I first joined the forum, the tips in those stickies helped SOOOOO MUCH.

10-19-2012, 09:17 AM
After taking medication / understanding it :)