View Full Version : Panick attacks and my story

10-18-2012, 12:43 PM
I have had anxiety for about 3.5 years. Im 32 year male. Started when I couldn't breathe at work. Kept yawning as I was always trying to get oxygen. Led up to a panic attack that day. A big one. I work about 1.5hrs in the bush at an oil plant. We have our own on site medics there. Anyways I went all weird, standing in a bus hyperventilating. My brain was gone. (Which I'm later learning is from too much o2 and not enough co2) which is why I guess people use a paper bag.

So someone else on bus calls medics. They finally arrive and try to strap me in the stretcher thing in ambulance. That wasn't happening when your having a panic attack. So they give me 2 Ativans outside as I'm head bobbing and what not in a desperate feeling to stay alive. They waited 5 mins then hit me with a needle of Valium. Off to the hospital I go feeling high and mellow. ECG tests at hospital show an irregular heart beat. Leave me over night in hospital and contact my family dr who lives where I do 30 mins away (nearby town/city). Get released in the morning and wife driving me home. Few hrs later I'm having a nervous breakdown again. I'm panicking again so bad I cannot breathe and I can't even think anymore. I kept thinking I was actually going crazy. It's probably one of the worst feelings I ever had. So back to hospital I go (different hospital this time) I went into emerg and got right in due to my condition. Nurse did her checks etc. by the time dr got in there I was passed out on stretcher due to hyperventilating.

Get in to see my family dr. He says it looks like "anxiety" prescribed me 20mg of celexa. Now this Drug can take about 2 weeks till it works. So first week and a half were miserable. He then upped me to 40mg. I was feeling just good within a few weeks. No more panick attacks. Got my life back with my wife, kids and job. I ended up weening off this drug little after a year of taking it. Been good till few weeks ago........

Been off celexa or any drug for at least a year now. My anxiety is back. Got celexa again few days ago (20mg tablets) pharmacist recommended I started with half pill (10mg) for first 4 days. Took Half a pill that afternoon. Few hrs later felt high. An uncomfortable high. Sick to my stomach and like a lot of pressure in my head but not quite a head ache. Lots of trouble sleeping but finally did.

Next morning wake up as I gotta go to a course for work in town. (Didn't take anymore celexa yet this day) I was at unease all morning in course. They bring sandwiches in for lunch. I could barely eat it. Then course starts back up. Within 5 mins I got up and walked out. Stood outside trying to breathe. Someone walks by that I know. Trying to be nice and have a conversation with him that he started. Yet I don't even know what we're talking about or didn't care cause I was in the feeling of a mental break down again. Anyways he left and got my wife to pick me up. I text guy in course saying my anxiety is back and gotta go. Show up at emergency again. Nurse checks my blood pressure as I'm standing and twitching out. It was all over the map and it really scared me to see that machine making crazy noises and numbers flying around.

So of course explain to her this happened nearly 3 years ago and I just started celexa the day before again. Dr prescribed me 1mg tablets of Ativan. 30 pills I believe. Idea of this was to keep me calm until the celexa starts to work.1 - 2 week wait.

I have been doing ok so far. It's now the day after I got prescribed Ativan. Just took 1 tablet this morning as I was feeling like it was coming. Skipped my coffee today too.

Anyone have similar feelings? The one side effect I found with celexa was sexual dysfunction for the most part. Just that there was no interest for most part.

Sorry for long rant, just thought maybe my story could help others knowing their not alone.

10-18-2012, 01:01 PM
Forgot to mention when it originally happened few years ago I ended up off work for 3 months on disability.

Had to do a stress test in the city and get ultrasounds done on my heart to see how it was operating. It all checked out good and said the irregular heart beat was due to anxiety and nothing wrong with my heart