View Full Version : Multiple sclerosis fears, any advvise...?

10-17-2012, 11:17 AM
Hi , I m 27 years old, I have GAD and OCD for years. I had a lot of anxiety symptoms in the past, but now my new fear is MS.

It all started with lower back pain, which has medical reason, due to lot of inactivity and just sitting, so my l5s1 discs are in mess, so my foot numbness is from that. But i got obssessed with numbness start googling watching for other numbness, so after that i got litlle numbness and tingling in arm, then another arm then leg, then symtoms gets away, then they are back. I also have neck and back muscle tension and stiffnes due to anxiety, but then again I got tingling in that neck part, it comes and goes. And the latest one is numbness in left part of the face, not numbness more likke buzzing and tingling, it comes one they then it goes away, today I was fine, then my face start tingling again. Anyone pls help, any advise. My therapist doesnt pay attention on this symptoms, my physiatrist looks just after my discs problems. my anxiety are becoming worse then ever, i had lot of fears, but now this much symptoms that walks around the body. Besides that i have:

-pain in knee few day then it goes away
-shooting pain in chest few time
-TMJ, and random shooting pains in the head and jaw

10-17-2012, 12:53 PM

Most of those symptoms are probably manifestations of your anxiety. When I obsessed about aortic dissection I felt all kinds of pains, twitches, and jerks.

I think you should discuss your fears with a GP whom you trust, and who respects you and your anxiety.

Meanwhile, if you can't convince yourself that it is highly unlikely that you suffer from that disease, focus on how much better the lives of affected people are now, and likely to be in the future. Also, life expectancy for people with MS is nearly that of a regular person.

Still, I reiterate that I do not at all think, from your description, that you suffer from it.

10-17-2012, 01:38 PM
The numbness and tingling feeling that comes and goes can definitely be anxiety related. I have had that happen to me, along with numbness in my legs and feet. I have gone through the entire neurological workup and they found nothing. I wouldn't worry TOO much..all your symptoms sound like anxiety....

10-17-2012, 01:46 PM
Yeah i had lot of psychosomatic symptoms before, but now they attack me at the same time. I was at my shrink, which is specialized in that, i talk to her about symptoms and fears, and she was just like "take this medicine (some anti OCd and anxiety drug)" and thats it. Idk i think that MS symptoms are persistent and i had face numbness for an hour, now its gone, idk what to think. I have ups and down, sometimes I m sure i m just anxious, but after that I feel some new symptom and fears are back.

10-17-2012, 04:53 PM
That's classic anxiety. =(

What drugs are you taking?

10-17-2012, 05:00 PM
I too have the same feelings tingling in face fingers toes I too think I have ms and dear about aortic dissection I also feel like I am going to have a stroke or seizure its terrible

10-17-2012, 05:06 PM
i use fluxetin (fluxilan), its good, actually only drug that i have good reaction with.