View Full Version : i think my brain is dying

10-17-2012, 11:04 AM
I want to share with you all an experience I had today. I have been having OCD and panic attacks since a long time.

I woke up this morning, feeling very disoriented, my parent arent still talking to me, they are giving me the silent treatment. This caused me to feel that I am very lonely. No one to whom I could share my feelings with.

They always answer me in negative, they look at me with suspicion in their eyes.
This was a terrifying experience, I think its the reactions of the sertraline and clonazepam.
Now I just wish I had better parents, for now i am alone, they wont let me go out as they think i've gone mentally ill. So, I am trying to keep same.
They are still shouting at me and telling me about my problems instead of simply comforting me.
I cant concentrate on anything, everything seems hard. I just want to be tension free, but there is so much worries and tension inside. THE OCD is fighting with the good brain cells in my head. I want my parents to be modern. I wish i was born to better parents.
I wish i was in the usa, self sufficient, and now i think that i am going slowly insane.

But I will hold on, this too shall pass

I am on the edge of madness

Last night i had clonapezam, sertlaline 100mg. and hash heated and drank in soya milk

Please help, I am very scared, what has happened to me? The clonazepam is not working, I want to be tension free. Its too much trouble to the brain and my parents are not helping me at all

10-18-2012, 11:39 AM
Hi there.

I would say your parents are just worried about you - familiarity breeds contempt and all that. Plus, our nearest and dearest get a pain listening and dealing with us. Doesn't mean they don't care though.
I would say to you to go easy on yourself, don't play the blame game and try and focus on getting well. Put all your negativity to work for you by telling it to get stuffed. Try and forget too much what other people are thinking and do small positive tasks regularly. Best of luck.

10-24-2012, 06:02 AM
I'm going through the same thing these past couple days. Has it got better?

10-24-2012, 10:24 AM
I think cutting out the dope would be a great start.

11-06-2012, 02:56 AM
Agreed, the dope would b a good thing to stop