View Full Version : Muscle ache

10-17-2012, 10:42 AM
Does anyone get really bad muscle ache in arms, back, breast muscles, shoulders, chest .. ?
Feeling like you've done hours at gym :( ?

10-17-2012, 12:07 PM
Yeah all sorts of aches.

10-17-2012, 12:28 PM
Do you only have the pains during a pannick attack ? My pains are constant, even if I'm trying not to think about them

10-17-2012, 12:37 PM
I have that. all kinds of that aches, seems like mu back muscles are in constant spasm, hurts when i do some actions, and all other random pains.

10-17-2012, 12:46 PM
Yes that's it, it's horrible! My back muscles (my lats) are always hurting it feels like I've just done a work out at the gym! And both my arms at the top, ache like crazy ! Do you get aches and pains in and around your ribs both sides? And breasts if your a girl

10-17-2012, 12:51 PM
No i m guy, but have some pain in that muscles, yeah the pain is less then after first training in gym, but the same kind. Also i feel constant tension in back, and like when i push my shoulders up i feel pain, when turn around in hips, also I feel pain. Just hate this feeeling, and in combination with some tingling and some sort of numbness, i got so much fear i cant even explain it.:(

10-17-2012, 12:59 PM
That's exactly like me ! The gym pain I explained is mild not as severe as gym workout pain but the exact same type! Yes I have this pain in my chest, both arms, my back badly! My hips etc .. When you are feeling anxious your body tenses up because it lets off a hormone that thinks we are in danger so it tenses and that's why we get these aches, even though its hard to understand and take in! I'm petrified of every pain I feel! And sometimes it's so hard to think to yourself that it is anxiety! The tingling pain is it pins and needles pain? Have you ever got it around your mouth?

10-17-2012, 01:40 PM
YEs, i got it around mouth, and even i one whole part of the left side of face, many sited says that this kind of pain is common for anxiety, but it seems it isnt good enough to believe. yeah tingling are like needles and pins, but not strong, like some mild numbness with sensation of needles and pins, almost like some bug crawls on that places, just harder then that. It s adrenaline related, the funny is that i m close to become a pharmacist and i study lot about that, but anxiety disorders are over reality, and all my knowledge isnt enough to calm me down even a bit.

10-17-2012, 01:50 PM
The pins and needles are very very common with anxiety! I used to get them all the time, I asked the doctor what it was about.....
Basically, when you are anxious you breathe in more oxygen that your body actually needs, so because there's oxygen and cardoon dioxide in your blood, your oxygen levels are rising high, leaving your carbon dioxide in your body to be low, this is not dangerous! It is called hyperventilating, basically when you over breathe and give your body more oxygen that it actually needs! That's why you get pins and needles, and around the mouth is the most common place! Try slow breathing! X

10-17-2012, 01:55 PM
Yeah thats very logical, i know all that, but somehow i dont accept that, couse it walks aroun body (lef, 1 hand, then another, neck, then face which scared me most), and that oxygen thing should last very short as I understand, and whenever my tingling last a bit longer, I got high anxiety, almost panic attack. seems we have similar problem. I think its a bit easier to calm down, when you have some co-sufferer...:) (my first smiley in days):)

10-17-2012, 02:00 PM
The symptoms you have told me so far, I've had! It's just a way of anxiety, it can change our body's physically even though it is a mental pain :s .. It is very scary I get chest pains that go down into my left arm, I always feel like I'm going to die of a heart attack! But I'm too young, and it's a very common symptom for anxiety! You should try deep breathing techniques and see how it helps you, i know it's easier said than done, just remember that it's anxiety! Have u had any tests as such as a ECG etc? X

10-17-2012, 02:13 PM
Yeah i had a ECG few years ago, ultra sound of stomach, now x ray of spine, and so... I went to cardiologist when i had shortnes oof breath and that arm pain that you just described, i was in panic, and my heart was fine, only thing i have is higher heart bits when i m scared and plus I got high blood pressure in stress period a few night ago it was 145/95, thats high couse i m relativly young (27 year old). I try to do that techniques, I have many books, and even mp3 files about relaxation, but when anxiety is this high i simply cant do that, maximum 2-3 mins, couse I cant concentrate at all.

10-17-2012, 02:20 PM
As long as your tests and everywhere where clear then Theres nothing life threatening wrong with you, I sont know how I dare say that to anybody because I'm such a drama queen! Any little ache or pain I feel like I'm about to die lol! It is very hard to focus on things when you are anxious, when you want to take your mind off things it seems like you just CAN'T! All my egcs etc have been fine. I'm a teenager, healthy, classes as a risk of over weight not fat or something, I don't take drugs or smoke..... And! My Bp has always been raised every time I go to the doctors, I went 2 days ago and my Bp was 134/80somethig not sure, and the doctor said its quite high not anything to worry about but it's raised slightly, which shocked me and got me all worked up! And he said the raise is due to your anxiety! X

10-17-2012, 02:31 PM
yeah, this anxiety is pretty f*****, cause it plays mind tricks, of course everyone have pain every day something shoots and so, but in this condition, you just wait for another symptom, and thats it, whole circle again, fear, searching symptoms, fear of deadt... And thats just one miserable game for us. I get so mad when see people that drinks evreyday, use drugs amokes, and they are just happey, I live pretty healthy, if u exclude that i dont have physical activity lately and some junk food, and i feel like this, I m constantly in fears and some obssessive thought, and seems like all around goes past me, like i dont have fun att all, just pure worries.

10-17-2012, 02:40 PM
Wow your comment just then was like I wrote it myself! Anxiety is like one big vicious circle that you can't get yourself out of! One symptom after another! And the symptoms are very scary! I don't go out with my friends anymore because of it, even when I do bring myself to go out I can not enjoy myself the worries are always in my head at all times, it's like I hVe to put a false smile on my face just to blend in when really it's killing me! I wouldn't wish this horrible pain upon anybody I know what your going through! I can't even sleep with it I'm on tablets that have a calming effect in you and make you sleep good that's how bad it is! Constant worry in my head, fear of dying or being very un well :(

10-17-2012, 03:00 PM
Wow, same story.:) I m getting affraid that something will happen to me when I m out. I m totaly unsocial, I avoid friends and dont go out anymore too. I m pretty funny when I m ok, but now people when see me start asking "whats wrong" "come on, cheer up" "lets do something fun". And I m not in the mood and cant be happy when I m not, that makes me more pressure. I dont sleep so good too, actually I sleep, but I have some strange dreams, i woke up more exausted then night before, when you put all symptoms together, this condition is very scary, and it drinks all our energy.

10-17-2012, 06:34 PM
I have experienced this same muscle soreness! My anxiety has been better these days but back when it was really bad I would wake up with soreness everywhere. It felt like I had done an extreme work out the day before but I hadn't actually been to the gym in ages. As my anxiety has gotten better the muscle soreness has subsided. Last week I had the anxiety kick back up pretty bad and the next morning I woke up so sore. This just goes to show that it is all anxiety related and you have nothing to worry about. Especially if a doctor has checked you out. It sure is crazy all the weird symptoms anxiety can cause!

10-17-2012, 06:39 PM
There is a book that has made a tremendous difference in my life. I would say that in a few months ive manged to make an 80% recovery from my debilitating anxiety. I know people get skeptical about books for anxiety but just read the reviews. Its called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. It has really helped me and some people I recommended it to.

10-18-2012, 10:48 AM
Yes!!! Wow i thought i was the only one! My chest and my left arm and my back ALWAYS hurt. My family tells me stop thinking about it is just anxiety. Im like how can i ignore it when im feeling the pain?! Is hard for people to understand when they dont go threw panic attaks/ anxiety disorders.

10-18-2012, 11:40 AM
I know !! I tell my mam that I have aches and pains and she tells me ill be okay!!
Nobody realises the pain anxiety can cause only until they are going through it then selves its a awful pain to go through, especially as a teenager x

10-18-2012, 11:51 AM
Yes is a hard thing. And i just turn 21 and i have been like this for almost 2 years :-/

10-18-2012, 02:45 PM
4 years of these aches over here, guys. it's terrible. i just massage myself with 'deep heat' and it does provide some relief. the chest and arm pains are totally uncomfortable and scary. it does feel like it's a heart problem which makes it even more scary.