View Full Version : Worried

10-17-2012, 05:24 AM
I get so worried bout breakups I love my boyfriend so much but he said I'm hard work
:( when he tells me this I burst into tears and have a panic attack and I get shaky, I wish my boyfriend could help me more with my worrying :(

10-17-2012, 05:43 AM
I get that. It's very hard for people around us to understand our impotence towards our worryings, our fears,... people who live with someone suffering with anxiety need to be very patient and that isn't always easy :(

I'm like that too (I'm worrying right now with a presentation due in one week) and I can't give you any miracle method to solve that but to me, the Claire Weekes method has been helping me a lot. I'm not saying it works with everyone but, I guess we need to try things and understand ourselves better to know which method is the best for each of us.

Hope everything turns out fine between you and your boyfriend :)

10-17-2012, 05:54 AM
Thankyou, good luck with your presentation too :)