View Full Version : Anxiety vent

10-17-2012, 02:03 AM
Just a vent before I go to bed. Had a meltdown this evening. Now it's 1 am and I still have the tension headache and upset stomach. I took tums and Advil. They still haven't worked. Bleh

10-17-2012, 02:45 AM
I feel ya..been a bad day/night for me too. My problems are lightheadedness and feeling/fearing that i'll pass out and die, so (un)naturally, that is what I feel all day all the time, just more so on some days. It's 4:43 am here, I'm sitting up in bed, looking down at my ipad, with a tension headache to keep me company.

Prayin for ya.
God Bless

10-17-2012, 08:49 AM
Shepard I'm the same way. I always fear I'm just going to pass out & die. I know it's irrational. I've never even passed out in my life. I can be having a good day and even the slightest feeling of anxiety makes me feel so weird

10-17-2012, 12:10 PM
Thanks guys!

10-17-2012, 08:08 PM
Shepard I'm the same way. I always fear I'm just going to pass out & die. I know it's irrational. I've never even passed out in my life. I can be having a good day and even the slightest feeling of anxiety makes me feel so weird

Yeah, I've only passed out once, and that was due to Respiratory Arrest back in 2003, panic attacks bring me right back to that..BUT, I witnessed my dad having a heart attack in June of 2011, even performed CPR on him, but unfortunately he didn't survive it. I believe that is what started this crap, had my first panic attack in may of this year and I've been lightheaded, dizzy and nauseous ever since. Blegh.

I have felt like passing out at least 15 times since, but never did thank God.

10-18-2012, 05:03 AM
My psychologist swears black and blue that you can't pass out from anxiety alone (I still believe I have).

She explains to me that there has to be something else to contribute to the faint. In my case she thinks it was a combination of the hyperventilation and other symptoms and my low low blood pressure - a symptom that is different to most other anxiety sufferers and atypical to anxiety and panic attacks in general. My ADs also make me dizzy. She insists that this is the reason I passed out and not the anxiety!