View Full Version : Scared to speak ?

10-17-2012, 12:06 AM
I am 16 years old and currently enrolled in highschool. I grew up in México, but learned english well because my mother is of pure canadian background. Later on in my early stages of life my parents decided to move to Canada. I was about 9 or 10 years old when we came. I went straight into a public school, and barely passed my classes at first but soon my english improved to the point I was able to get top grades. Now in highschool I am on the honor role! Either way it appears I have learned english with a slight mexican accent, barely noticeable but it is still there and people will notice once I start talking with full sentences and the like.
In highschool I've had a few people mock me of my accent and sometimes I say things wrong or backwards, opening more space to bullying. Since I started school in México, I am also a year behind in school than other people my age, even though I haven't failed any classes yet. Yet again opening space for bullying.
Anyway now in my grade 11 year, I am stuck in grade 10 classes, including spanish which very much feels like home, almost so much I want to cry! As for my other classes, I'm scared as ever to even say Hello. I only feel comfortable speaking freely among my closest friend at the moment, who doesn't even notice my accent anymore.
Any suggestions on how to gain some self esteem/confidence and such so I don't freak out everytime I'm required to speak? I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder aswell as ADD. So combining it all really isn't helping my highschool experience...
Any ideas or words of guidance?
- Mae