View Full Version : Falling into the sky?

10-16-2012, 05:25 PM
Hey everyone!!

I was hoping that someone would be able to give me some guidance regarding what I have been experiencing the past few months.

I have experienced anxiety and agoraphobia for a few years now. The severity and impact on day-to-day life fluctuates – I go months feeling “normal” then have my periods where I feel as though I am sure to go insane.

Lately however, I have been experiencing something quite odd. It has to do with the sky/universe/reality and the concept of endlessness/infinity.

Looking up at the sky gives me anxiety – hands sweat, dizzies and I feel quite unbalanced. It is the strangest feeling – almost as though I am going to fall UP into the sky?

I have been playing scenarios in my head whereby the world suddenly flips and I fall from land and into the sky?

Lying on the ground and staring into the sky is sure to provoke an immediate panic attack – I feel as though I need to grab something otherwise I will fall? The dizziness and head spins I experience are intense!

I then try to comprehend the universe – which as you could all appreciate, invokes a significant fear as the universe is endless and impossible to comprehend. The facts have always remained the same though – why are they scaring me to death now?

Is there anyway back from this? I want to feel normal, strong, happy and healthy – I want to lay on the grass and be fascinated by the stars, I want to enjoy life and take long airplane trips (agoraphobia and panic has prevented this) – does anyone have any suggestions on what I could try?

My psychologist has been great with my treatment – we have done CBT and has taught me various coping strategies (facing fear, “bring it on” etc) – does anyone else have any advice?

I really appreciate everyones advice!
