View Full Version : Tummy Issues!

10-16-2012, 04:45 PM
This is silly to me, but does anyone know how to tell the difference between anxiety nausea and real illness nausea?
I know when i am having anxiety nausea because i get the tight throat etc However, when i feel nauseated from eating too much, like tonight, i then get worried and i cant tell when my real nausea has gone away and I'm just having anxiety nausea... Its hard to explain what i mean to be honest :S
If anyone can make sense of that, telling the difference, please get back to me! Ive got college tomorrow and i dont want to miss yet again, another lesson from anxiety troubles :(

10-16-2012, 05:45 PM
I recommend always assuming that the nausea is due to anything but anxiety. You know when your anxious, with or without the nausea. Even the simple thought of questioning whether or not your nausea is the result of anxiety can CAUSE you to begin to feel anxious. Just tell yourself, it's just because I ate too much, or... It's just because of sinus drainage, or whatever, and it will pass soon. Eventually, you will retrain your thoughts and physical ailments will cause you less and less anxiety.

10-17-2012, 12:51 AM
I totally get it! And I have a fear of throwing up. Idk how to tell th difference. I take tums and then either way I know that I am not going to puke.

10-17-2012, 04:13 AM
I completely understand what you say. I have always had a tendency for nausea (if I eat too much, if i eat garbage food,...) but after the anxiety nausea started, I became afraid of any kind of nausea.

Usually I know it's anxiety because I not only feel nauseated but I have hot flashes, feel agitated.

10-17-2012, 02:39 PM
I totally agree with all of you guys!

I do that, assuring its just I've eaten to much but then i fear I'm going to be sick!
I might invest in some Tums, I've heard about them but never got round to getting them!
I tend to eat chewing gum when I'm nauseated, helps digestion and the mint helps my breathing :D

10-17-2012, 02:42 PM
Had to send my reply in two parts, my app is playing up!!

Yeah, i tend to get a tight throat but that fuels my anxiety; i have a fear of not being able to breath, therefor I'm scared of being sick!
Also, i think i get so worried of getting sick because i don't want to be ill in front of my boyfriend! He's so caring and looks after me but i cant stand to be round people when i am ill :(
So i think i have anxiety about being away from my boyfriend :S