View Full Version : lifes one big struggle :(

10-16-2012, 01:37 PM
hello im shelley new to the forum but an anxiety sufferer for 5 years,
my day to day life is hard work i have 2 children one of which goes to school which my mum does with me as i cannot leave the house alone, i cannot be at home alone, i cant walk anywhere alone cant go to the shops, doctors, drive, take my children to the park by myself.
i feel guilty as im a burden on everyone!
i been on various medication and at the moment on Lycra Pregabalin. no difference yet. :( i just want to be independent be able to take my children out by myself. if i was to go out by myself my heart pounds, i sweat, feel panicky, look around constantly and find it hard to breath!
ive had CBT but didnt help and sometimes couldnt get there ( i.e walking by myself )
nothing i can remember in my life has made me like this.
any advice or people out there that feel like i do?? thanks.xx

10-16-2012, 02:03 PM
I sympathize with you. It's been years since I have felt that but was once there. I have suffered from anxiety for over 30 yrs. it's mostly controlled now. Have you ever thought about having your hormones checked? They may not be helping your situation and won't be a cure but after having kids my anxiety was the worse. It wasn't until 5 years ago when I went to a diff doctor and she tested mine and I was low on progesterone. It has made a big difference. I felt much more calm on the inside. I will pray you find answers.

10-16-2012, 02:44 PM
thank you but no they have never mentioned hormoans and tbh they dont seem to help me very much either. i really am at the end of my tether now and i need somethong doing i think im going to ask to see a psychitrist sorry cant spell x