View Full Version : I really need replies! I dont know what to do!

10-16-2012, 01:12 PM
I have never posted anything about this on a forum before so i'll try to explain it as best as i can. Everytime i leave my house, im constantly looking around thinking that my dad is gonna be there ( i know that sound weird but i havent seen my dad for 10years because he is so violent) i've even had to move house 8 times because he found out where we lived anyway eveytime i think about it, i get constant butterflies in my tummy and my palms go all sweaty. My heart starts racing and i get really panicky. I expect the worst from a horrible situation. I really dont know what to do! Should i go to the doctors? I would be really grateful for some replies because i really dont know what to do!

10-16-2012, 01:24 PM
No wonder you are scared. Going by your past it is perfectly reasonable to be worrying about these issues. What I think you need to learn to do is how to control your fear and a doctor will be able to help with that. Hopefully you will get a referral for a talking therapy as that would be very beneficial for someone in your situation.

10-16-2012, 01:31 PM
Thank you for your advise! I've been thinking about going to the doctors for a while but i don't quite know how to tell my mum because i don't think that she'll say that i should go to the doctors but i know i need to. Do you think i should tell her or should i just make an appointment and go without her knowing?

10-17-2012, 01:28 AM
I think she would want to know, she is your mum and she loves you. Suffering alone with no support is awful so it would probably be best for you as well if you told her. Whether you tell her before or after the appointment is up to you. If it was me I'd go to the doctors and then tell her after- tell her how you have been suffering and also what the doc recommended.

10-17-2012, 12:31 PM
Thank you, im slowly finding the courage to go to the doctors. Do you have any ideas on what to expect when i go to the doctors?

10-18-2012, 05:12 AM
Please talk to your Mum.

Be prepared for lots of questions at the doctor! First of all they'll ask: 'What can I do for you today!' (of course) and you just have to let them know that you think you have anxiety and/or depression.

Then they'll ask you a ton of questions about your mental health.

It is a good idea for you to go and see your regular doctor if you have one. Also ask them if they think you would benefit from a psychologist, or psychiatrist to help you as well.

Good luck!!

10-18-2012, 05:44 AM
Is there any other recent change in your life that triggers anxiety, can you think why is this happening now since your dad left 10 years ago?


10-18-2012, 09:25 AM
Laurandisorder; thank you very much for the advise i am really grateful. And bill, i guess i've just got older and have understood it more and i have been told more about the situation and its things throughout the day remind me of it :(

10-18-2012, 10:02 AM
If you are suffering anxiety, try to deal with it yourself before going to see your doctor. I've been to the doctors 7+ times complaining about my anxiety, and they send me home with nothing but advice! X

10-18-2012, 03:17 PM
Aww im sorry to hear that! It must have been awful! And i cant look for his weaknesses because i dont know anything about him because i havent seen him for 10 years. But i have told my mum now and she thinks i should go to the doctors too and she may come with me but she has left it up to me to let her know when im ready to go.