View Full Version : medical advice? wrong place to come but worth a shot! lol

10-16-2012, 06:52 AM
Right you probably all know I've got a chest infection that in my head was pneumonia lol (its not lol) anyway been in bed 3 days, constant burning in my chest, bellyache, cough, anxietys threw the roof, (I'm on my period sorry lol but I'm bleeding very heavily) I have got no energy at all, to even walk to shop that round corner, my depersonalisations constant instead of being a few times a day and I can't eat! And that's bad because of my food phobia I don't eat much anyway but I can't even stomach my weetabix or brown bread :( I think I'm suffering with exhaustion? Mentally and physically exhausted, bodys aching. I'm very depressed (should I go on? LOL) anyway, rang doctors for a call back yesterday, no appointments just call backs.. They never rang back.. Rang again today, no appointments. Or call backs. What should I do? Even though my coughs subsiding nothing else is. What is it?