View Full Version : Nausea trouble

10-16-2012, 05:44 AM
Does anyone here as nausea as one the most frequent symptoms?
I feel I'm better of my anxiety after therapy and medication. I'm still tappering paroxetine and it hasn't been easy...

The nausea is the most difficult symptom for me to overcome. If I have some event that i identify as stressful, I immediately feel that nausea coming over me. I tried ginger cookies but it didn't work.
Anyone else as that problem?

10-16-2012, 06:05 AM
I have nausea as a symptom sometimes. I did just a bit ago infact. I was eating at a curry house not far from my hotel, and I've had it 3 times today (don't come across any curry houses back home in the states so while i'm here might as well enjoy it), so I started to get the wet acidy burps going on, and anxiety leaped at the opportunity and immediatly had me thinking "What if I'm allergic? Oh no, I'm feeling nauseous, what if I puke infront of all these people? what if I pass out and have to go to the hospital, id have to pay cash and I dont have the money on me here," ect ect.

I'm calming myself down now, but still getting the burps, tried some tums, drinking some water too. Yeah it sucks but I've heard quite a few people have nausea as a symptom, its pretty common i guess. Not sure what might cure it quick, gunna google it soon here, gunna see if some of this green tea here will help first.

10-16-2012, 07:47 AM
thanks for the reply AceParadox.

I've heard about peppermint tea helping but I haven't tried it. I like tea but, I'm not the one to be drinking it throughout the day. I feel worse in the morning (as everyone else, I think) and I can't drink tea in the morning, makes me sick too.
I guess there are no miraculous tricks and I just have to learn how to deal with my anxiety in the first place, rather than the symptoms.
(I try but, it's hard :()