View Full Version : What do I do!?

10-15-2012, 06:00 PM
To start of my name is Chance, I'm 16 and I just moved. I have no friends and over the past 2 months I've been suffering from anxiety and depression. I went to a doctor to get help with the anxiety and depression. I was put on Paxil and Xanax. It's been almost a month and I feel no different in terms of the Paxil. Xanax helped so much but I became so depressed and anxious I was taking it all the time. I was soon in the hospital for overdosing, I tried killing myself. That was 2 weeks ago and I blame myself for it. I didn't have any control over myself but it was the one thing that allowed me to feel nothing for once. I wasn't worrying or stressing or freaking out for no reason. I don't think my doctor knows but I'm not sure. I haven't contacted her since I talked to her the first time about getting the medication. Should I try asking her for another try at the Xanax? Also, with school I am having so so so many problems with being social and talkative. I am so quiet and I have no friends. I just started going back to school since I was in the hospital and everything. People were glad to see me back but they aren't my friends. They're just people I have classes with, as I said earlier I have no friends and it's so hard for me to make them. I honestly just want to drop out (I'm a senior) and do online class or something to complete my senior year. I just hate School so much, and I have no idea what to do. I want friends and I want to be sociable but the only way I'd be able to do that is with medicine such as Xanax. Without something to calm me down my mind is always going 100mph and I'm thinking the worst things possible. I feel like once I get back into school And my part time job that ill screw up somehow again and ill let my depression take over along with all of my stress and ill just get ran down again. I'm so tired and lonely and confused just about 24/7. No wonder I tried killing myself. I just hate my life so much. Ughhhh.

10-15-2012, 06:41 PM
Zoloft might be better, or a different non benzo. ask your doc about that hun. I don't think they will give you the xanax again but they will still be open to changing to a different med if the current one isn't working. Just try to be patient and try and reach out and find some friends and maybe it will distract you from your inner thinking a bit :)

10-15-2012, 07:41 PM
Yeah I don't think Xanax was the right med for you. Contact that doctor, tell her about what has happened and see what she says.

10-16-2012, 10:06 AM
Okay, thanks for the replies. I have an appointment with my new psychiatrist on the 30th. Ill tell him what I'm taking and ask if we can change it since by then it will have been about a month and a half that ill be on Paxil. A friend of mine that takes anti depressants recommended Zoloft so maybe I can switch to that. Who do I make friends with? I have such a hard time talking to people and having conversations. I don't know why it's so hard for me :/