View Full Version : bad week

10-15-2012, 09:41 AM
Hey everyone,

Having a bad week.. it's like some days i'll feel perfectly fine, anxiety free. and then the very next day it's back x11000000
and it just knocks you back on the ground. It's totally demotivating. Just went to the gym and had a massive panic attack while i was there. Is this ever going to get better?
I've recently began trying the Linden Method. there is this relaxation method they have.. actually someone on this forum gave it to me, which was great. It's helped me a lot.
I just feel so drained.. mentally and physically. So scared to leave my room in the fear of having a panic attack anywhere else. I'm constantly tired, weak, depressed..
Any help from any one who has overcome agoraphobia would be very much appreciated. I know facing your fear is the most effective way of overcoming. but it's too scary. is there any other way?

10-15-2012, 11:57 AM
For me, meds. As I tell everyone else that asks. Get you a decent doctor that listens and can go through some options with you and find you some relief :)