View Full Version : I feel as though my life is over

10-15-2012, 08:24 AM
I have been dealing with GAD and panic for over six months now. I am starting to feel as though my life is over. I have not worked in over a month now due to the anxiety and I am not sure if I can ever go back. If I am even a little nervous about something, I cannot sleep at all. This really affected my job and I had to ask for a lay off because of it. Money is really tight now and I worry about it constantly. I look back at my life before all this started and I had a great job and was very confident in myself. Now I don't feel as if I can acomplish anything. I think my wife will eventually leave me because I am basically a total loser now. I guess I can't blame her. My three year old son is going to grow up and realize that his dad is a coward. I am heading for a divorce and I will be living in my parents basement at 34 years old. Not really the life I expected to have. I try to face my fears and sometimes I can, but then I just find other things to worry about and fear. Also I never get any sleep when I am worried about something. I am so sick of all of this. What should I do?

10-15-2012, 09:32 AM
You should look for professional help, therapy will most likely fix your problems.

10-15-2012, 05:14 PM
>What should I do?

Do nothing. Just sit back and let your life slip away before you... until eventually you'll be sat huddled, naked & malnourished in the corner of your parents basement, clutching a dirty, tatty, dribble-soaked teddy bear...


Only joking. Don't do that.

How about giving yourself the biggest kick up the arse you've ever had and rise above the barriers which you, yourself have set in your own mind.
How about turning things around while you still have a chance?
How about living again? you don't have to be this way... there are no shackles around your ankles.

Let today be the day you start fighting back... not tomorrow, not next year... TODAY

Show us some strength & courage