View Full Version : Long haul flight

10-15-2012, 03:37 AM
Hi all,
I am new here and am a little embarrassed to post this

I'm a nervous flyer and can never sleep on a plane. I've been to my DR and she has prescribed me 12 x Valium 2mg. I’m flying to New Zealand next week and have 4 flights there and 4 flights back on the return in a months time. My question is, when should i take these and what are the feelings like when i have taken them? I have never taken these before by the way.

Thanks for your help

10-15-2012, 06:36 AM
Perhaps try one a few days before you fly out so you know what to expect. I know it's good for people who have trouble sleeping. Other than that I imagine it just helps you relax and take the edge off when you're feeling anxious


10-15-2012, 06:44 AM
Im not sure about valium, but for lorazepam, it takes 30 mins before it starts to kick in. And i fear most when the plane is going up or going down, so i probly will try to take my pill 30 mins before it goes up lol.

10-16-2012, 08:48 AM
I feel the same way, I have a flight this Thursday and I'm freaked out. I will definitely have my xanax on hand and will take it 30 minutes before my flight....

10-16-2012, 05:20 PM
I am also a nervous flyer. I liked valium for travel as I felt chilled but not out of it. i got worried about sleeping tablets as I like to have my wits about my when I am in transit. I fly from Australia to London often, and find Valium takes the edge off and i feel like its all ok and I cn sit and watch the movies and have a bit of a sleep as well.

10-16-2012, 07:15 PM
you Remind me of my last Flight I fainted Twice on The plane, I literally couldnt Breathe But now i take vitamin B supplements they help alot :)