View Full Version : Dizzy, Faint..Weakness in legs..

10-14-2012, 10:30 PM
Wondering if I could get some opinions on these, or if anyone else experiences/has experienced this.

I feel dizzy, not really spinning..but floaty all day, worst comes at night where I'm totally light headed and feel as though I could pass out, when I feel this, my legs go weak whether I'm standing, sitting or laying down..knees get slightly jittery And legs feel like rubber.

It all really started suddenly in may of this year, I was under a week of severe stress, and one night had a panic attack out of nowhere..my first one ever(I'm 25)..heart started racing, felt short of breath and eventually felt faint for a few seconds..all went away after about 3 minutes, but for a few weeks after I would have at least 2 panic attacks a day until they stopped, and I was just dizzy every day without the faintness, about a month and a half ago I had another panic attack and have been dizzy and slightly faint every day since.

Right now I feel like I'm going though that phase of feeling like it's some kind of physical illness rather than psychological(brain tumor, heart, clots, etc) and its hard to get out of that mind set and tell myself it's just a symptom of anxiety.

I have seen my doc, had an EKG and full blood work up, all clear, even had a slight panic attack while hooked up to the EKG haha. I'm Also taking lorazepam, 5mg twice a day now for 4 weeks, but tapering off now..it doesn't do anything other than take the nervousness away, does nothing for the physical symptoms. I don't plan on going for a different med as benzos scare me..

I have a severe phobia of passing out, my guess would be that it, and this sudden anxiety comes from watching my father pass away from a heart attack in June of 2011. It's not a fear of losing control, it's a fear of never waking up..

The feeling of faintness scares me no matter what I'm doing, and no matter what I tell myself. there was even a pont where i scratched my cornea, the pain was so bad that i forgot all about feeling dizzy for 2 days..as soon as my mind realized i wasnt dizzy, i was dizzy again..i told myself, see..if i was sick with something, why would it go away when my mind was focused on something else, but that didnt work dor long, lol..it's like an endless viscious circle.

10-15-2012, 01:20 AM
Yep that sounds like anxiety alright. The chest symptoms, the faintness, the dizziness. It help to now that you are not alone. Everyone on this forum has problems too and many have symptoms like yours.

10-15-2012, 06:55 PM
Thanks. It is comforting to know that others have dealt with these symptoms as well.

10-22-2012, 10:20 PM
I have been suffering the faint feeling too and so far it's the worst symptom. I get scared going places in case I do pass out, I can't think about anything other than the faint feeling.
It's driving me mad!! I've been to the dr so many times I think they are ready to commit me!!!!!!!

10-23-2012, 03:08 AM
It helps to think to yourself "have I ever fainted from these feelings, have I dropped dead?" The answer is, obviously, always no.

The chances of passing out due to anxiety are extremely slim, it might happen for some, but its likely moreso due to hyperventilation than it is from anxiety or panic. I definitely do not believe, however, that the feeling of faintness is always due to breathing wrong..I grew up with asthma and have trained myself over the years how to breath with my diaphragm and not hyperventilate, but still the feelings come.

It's very hard sometimes to talk sense into our brains, but that, for me, is the first step in conquering this demon. Feel the symptoms, tell them to do their worst, and before you know it, you're okay again, you didn't faint, you didn't have a heart attack, you're not dead. It won't happen right away, but if you continue to challenge it, you learn not to fear it. This for me, along with prayer( I'm a born again christian) have been helping me a lot. There are still moments where I feel like screaming and tearing someone to bits due to frustration..but it's a battle that we cannot give up on.

10-24-2012, 05:06 AM
Those werey EXACT symptoms when mine started. Scared the ever living shit out of me, and I turned out to be totally healthy physically, (3 ER trips later)
You are okay, I guarantee 99.99%!

10-24-2012, 05:13 PM
Floaty feeling is most likely derealization - a common symptom of anxiety, bourn through your brain being occupied with the anxiety & having less time for other, normal functions, leaving you feeling somewhat detached.

Always best to get your ears checked out though. Dizziness can often be associated with some kinda ear infection or malfunction.

You have health anxiety. Every twitch, twinge, normal pain, itch or whatever - you will automatically question.
Like "wtf was that?... could it be <insert major illness here>" which leads to FEAR which often leads to panic.

Vicious cycle? you betcha!

Benzo's can also make you feel somewhat spaced out.

10-25-2012, 01:52 AM
I've thought about derealization, not sure if that's it or not, but certainly possible. sometimes, like right now..I feel like I'm dizzy/woozy in my forehead, and its making me think about the symptom all night, which only brings on anxiety..I've been good all day(its 3am here) haven't needed an ativan, but it seems like every night at the same time, between 2am and 3:30am is really when I feel it most.

Floaty feeling is most likely derealization - a common symptom of anxiety, bourn through your brain being occupied with the anxiety & having less time for other, normal functions, leaving you feeling somewhat detached.

Always best to get your ears checked out though. Dizziness can often be associated with some kinda ear infection or malfunction.

You have health anxiety. Every twitch, twinge, normal pain, itch or whatever - you will automatically question.
Like "wtf was that?... could it be <insert major illness here>" which leads to FEAR which often leads to panic.

Vicious cycle? you betcha!

Benzo's can also make you feel somewhat spaced out.