View Full Version : I cant sleep........

10-14-2012, 10:35 PM
Why can't I sleep.....?
I'm really insomniatic and stressed... f******* stress and anxiety disorder....
It's killing me..... :P

So tired.... and always late to TAFE...


10-15-2012, 02:33 AM
What are you stressed about?

I love going on runs at night- exercise is a good stress reliever and maybe running will make you tired :)

10-15-2012, 02:35 AM
I used to have problems sleeping to. Something's to try are turning off tv and cell phone and other electronic devices. When my mom can't sleep she eats a bowl of cereal and milk. I like to drink a decaf warm beverages.

10-19-2012, 09:17 AM
mmmm warm decaf beverages sound good right now.... thank! :)

10-19-2012, 10:03 AM
Sleepless nights are normally part of anxiety.

Too much SHIT tumbling around in your head... worrying about this, fretting about that, images of disgusting & disturbing videos you've been watching on YouTube / distressing stories you've been reading about and so on.

The trick is EMPTYING or freeing your mind of this rubbish.

Trouble is.. Mr Brain continues thinking, even when asleep. Some people actually wake in full panic mode.

Cut out booze / caffeine / energy drinks
Take a long walk or jog at night about an hour before bed
Eat well
Live for the moment and stop worrying about tomorrow
Don't watch or read anything even mildly distressing
Don't play violent video games
Watch the most boring, shitty TV program before bed... it'll send you into Z-land quickly
Some people find having a fan on in the bedroom provides comfort... a gentle breeze across your douvet while also drowing out external sounds
Bath before bed (increased body temp. makes you sleepy)
Try herbal sleeping tablets
Masturbate before bed! (pmsl... it helps)