View Full Version : Anxiety,Exercise and Heartbeat

10-14-2012, 06:26 PM
Hello am 18 I've Had Anxiety For 8 months Since Then I havent Exercised at all or Done any Kind Of Physical activity. I still Get Chest pain, left arm pain and Heart Palipitations, But I didn't Have any Panick Attacks Since 2 Months and am thinking of Exercising and hitting The Gym, But The last time I Tried to exercise I felt Dizzy and Freaked Out. am Terrifyed of Having a Heart Attack while exercising or Running.
So please Can you answer my questions, reassure me or Give me some advice

1.Is exercising while Having anxiety and your heart beating Fast dangerous. Shall i sit at home and Rest Better ?
2.Can any one Relate when they exercise they Freak out or get Dizzy ?
3.Did any one Exercise and actually Felt Better and Didn't face any Problems ?

*The next checkup i can do is after two weeks.

So plzz Give me your ideas and share your experiences :)

10-14-2012, 06:42 PM
Hello am 18 I've Had Anxiety For 8 months Since Then I havent Exercised at all or Done any Kind Of Physical activity. I still Get Chest pain, left arm pain and Heart Palipitations, But I didn't Have any Panick Attacks Since 2 Months and am thinking of Exercising and hitting The Gym, But The last time I Tried to exercise I felt Dizzy and Freaked Out. am Terrifyed of Having a Heart Attack while exercising or Running.
So please Can you answer my questions, reassure me or Give me some advice

1.Is exercising while Having anxiety and your heart beating Fast dangerous. Shall i sit at home and Rest Better ?
2.Can any one Relate when they exercise they Freak out or get Dizzy ?
3.Did any one Exercise and actually Felt Better and Didn't face any Problems ?

*The next checkup i can do is after two weeks.

So plzz Give me your ideas and share your experiences :)


1) it's not only safe, but recommended. It helps your body get over that anxiety. I love physical exercise, and my shrink used to say that it was 95% of treatment!!!

2) YES!!! There were several times when I had a fully fledged PA at the gym... And dizziness too. Especially after running and weight-lifting.

3) yep...

I think you must take it slow. Understand that since you're going through this rough patch you'll probably freak out if the workout is too intense. On the other hand you must break the thinking processes behind your anxiety: you mustn't avoid doing anything you enjoy/need/used to do. So try to take baby steps. Don't run, walk briskly. Swim. Get used to a mild routine, and go from there. Keep us posted!

Also, it may be a good idea for you to articulate your fears to us a bit more thoroughly. You say that you fear having a heart attack. Elaborate!!! What do you think a heart attack is all about?

Finally, are you taking any medication?

10-14-2012, 07:05 PM
Thanks, am glad Exercise Have Helped am made you feel good. i will try working by your advice i will gradually escalate intensity of my exercise
and No I Havent taken any medications or Medical Help at all. am just afraid of a heart attack cause i have all the symptoms of heart attack i know its caused by anxiety but i still do freakout. am afraid of dehydration or fainting i know just stupid fears. When i start exercising tomorrow or after i hope i get over it.