View Full Version : Anxious and confused

04-04-2007, 02:53 PM

My name is Lance and I have been having some significant issues going on for the last 6 months. Our house flooded, my wife had a medical scare that lasted a few weeks but turned out ok, we had to put my dog to sleep, my wife got into a auto accident, etc. The last event, putting my dog to sleep, was the worst. A few days after we put him to sleep, I started going into a severe depression (no appetite, low energy, stomach irriated, etc..). I have been on effexor for 10 days now. I few times with the last 10 days, I did feel hungry and ate pretty good. I am not hungry every meal but I think its a good sign that I am occasionally hungry. I still have low energy but with depression, I guess it takes time to come back. I feel like a roller coaster in getting better. Some days/hours are better than others.

Now, I am anxious. My wife is leaving for a 1 week trip. I am affraid of her going because I don't want to be alone at the house. I have put patty as my Saftey preson which I know isn't right. When I am with Patty, I feel safe and secure and somewhat destracted from dealing with the depresesion stuff. Now that she is going to leave tomorrow, I am very anxious. I keep obsessing over it (I am a worrier also).

I feel kind of stupid and mentally weak because I know in the back of my mind that my feelings are not logical. However, I can't get my mind to believe it.

Anybody have any ideas for me? Anybody have similar experiences going through depression, anxiety, and worry at the same time?


V for Victor
04-05-2007, 08:09 AM
I'm sorry to hear about everything you're going through, Lance. I know how painful it is to lose a pet. I had to put my dog to sleep last week. I had him for 13 years. It was terrible for me, but I haven't had much depression, I think because I was expecting it for a while, and because I'm glad to see he's not suffering anymore. (He had cancer.) Plus, I've been through losing pets many times before. I've had to learn that once they're gone, they're gone. I have to say goodbye, and move on.

It may not seem like it, but you'll get through the depression.

I can understand how you'd be stressed out and exhausted, having been through everything you have. Plus being a worrier. :) (it's okay, I'm a worrier too.)

Being alone for one week my actually serve as a type of exposure therapy for you. You can get along without her, and it may be easier than you're expecting.

Just stay strong. Life can really suprise sometimes. Things can get much better in the blink of an eye. :)