View Full Version : Please help me!!!

10-14-2012, 01:49 AM
I'm on day 10 of paxil and I feel okay the shaky jitters are going away and all that but today as I was looking for a movie on Netflix these weird thoughts crossed through my mind like what it would be like to kill someone or myself or hurt them and I neverrrrrr think this way! I freaked out and took an Ativan and it all went away. Is this normal? Should I continue taking paxil? Or should I just quit it. This is the first time this has happened. Is this just a normal side effect in the beginning of paxil? Cuz it seems I am just now starting to get my body used to it. I haven't had any headaches or nausea just the shakiness which is now pretty much gone and then that crap popped in my head today. Could it somehow be linked to panic? Idk how to explain it but it didn't feel right it didn't feel like I was thinking those thoughts ugh omg I feel so crazy.....

10-14-2012, 03:11 AM
I wouldn't pay to much attention to it , keep taking the A/D & see how you feel in a few weeks time .
I can have the strangest thoughts at times but that's all they are .. Ignore it & shrug it off , otherwise it's going to become an issue .
Good luck & I really hope this anti depressant is right for you :-)

10-14-2012, 03:42 AM
I wouldn't pay to much attention to it , keep taking the A/D & see how you feel in a few weeks time .
I can have the strangest thoughts at times but that's all they are .. Ignore it & shrug it off , otherwise it's going to become an issue .
Good luck & I really hope this anti depressant is right for you :-)

Thanks. Good to know I'm not the only one. It was just a weird feeling like I couldn't get it to stop and started panicking about it. I think maybe it could just be health anxiety