View Full Version : Dream like feeling

10-13-2012, 06:02 PM
Hi everyone! Well basically I just wanted some information. I've always had this "strange out of mind" feeling? It's like everything looks really strange? Like I'm high. It really scares the cr*p out of me! It kind of builds it way up through the day, I start off in the morning, then I realise that I'm feeling a little bit strange then it builds up and gets worse and eventually my heart starts racing and I start shaking and I remember looking around and everything just doesn't feel right! Like I remember looking at my hands and it just feels so strange and scary! The worst part only lasts for around 10 seconds, but my god its so scary! I remember crying the first time it happened, shaken and confused I thought I was losing my mind. As time has gone on Its got better ( I still get the weird feeling but it doesn't get to the heart pounding 10 second out of body feeling as much)It's really hard to explain! Is this anxiety? I always feel like I'm about to lose my mind? Am I the only one who feels like this? Is it because I smoked cannabis when I was younger? Should I be worried? I read that it is anxiety and also I should welcome it and when it's at it's worse I shouldn't close my eyes or try to fight it, I should just conquer it? But it's so hard, I get so scared that I'm going to go insane and lose my mind! Can anyone relate to this? Also when I've been on the games console staring at the tv, that's when I tend to get the feeling. Thank you if you have taken the time to read this. I hope I get the answers I need to conquer this stupid scary feeling and move on with my life!

10-13-2012, 07:36 PM
I used to have that and thank god it stopped 2 days ago.. I had it for 6 months.. It used to scare me until i got used to it.. I tried not to pay much attention to it cuz i knew it was an anxiety symptom.. And to be honest it was one of the most annoying symptom cuz i felt like i was losing it.. And it was one of the symptoms that lasted longest.. If you dont pay attention to it, it will pass and thers nothing to worry about.. Its just fucking anxiety and nothing more than that.. I hope my post helped a little.. Take care honey xoxo

10-14-2012, 03:25 AM
I have this feeling more or less all the time , every day . Had it for years so I live with it & try very hard not to think about it .

It's horrible & it's scary but it is just anxiety !!!

My advice would be to try not to focus on it or pay it any attention , just accept it & carry on with your life ... That's what I do

10-14-2012, 03:44 AM
Yep, I have this most days. It is horrible. When it is bad the ground feels like it is tilting sideways. I freaked out the first time as I nearly ended up in a lake. I just try to ignore it now as I know it is part of a panic attack if I let it overwhelm me. I find it worse in crowded areas so if it gets bad I try to get outside sit down and take some deep breaths. Just remember that it won't hurt you physically and the less you fear it, the smaller rhe anxiety symptoms will be

10-14-2012, 04:11 AM
Hi everyone! Well basically I just wanted some information. I've always had this "strange out of mind" feeling?

This is Derealization. A state of perceived detachment from the real world... a surrealism, if you like.
There are many causes, not least of all anxiety.
While your brain is dealing with your elevated anxiety, or fight or flight - less priority is given to the material world around you and all efforts are focused on the perceived danger, causing derealization.

It's like everything looks really strange? Like I'm high. It really scares the cr*p out of me! It kind of builds it way up through the day, I start off in the morning, then I realise that I'm feeling a little bit strange then it builds up and gets worse and eventually my heart starts racing and I start shaking and I remember looking around and everything just doesn't feel right! Like I remember looking at my hands and it just feels so strange and scary! The worst part only lasts for around 10 seconds, but my god its so scary!

Derealization is often intensely proportional to anxiety. I.e. the more anxious you feel the worse the effect.
The build up you mention is simply your anxiety build up.
As your everyday anxieties / worries / concerns / issues pop up one after the other as the day goes on... so does derealization.
Eventually, the build up hits a level which causes panic (panic attack), where you're injected with adrenalin, which in turn speeds up your heart and causes the shaking.

I remember crying the first time it happened, shaken and confused I thought I was losing my mind. As time has gone on Its got better ( I still get the weird feeling but it doesn't get to the heart pounding 10 second out of body feeling as much)It's really hard to explain! Is this anxiety?

It absolutely is, yes. Probably fight or flight rather than just anxiety.

I always feel like I'm about to lose my mind? Am I the only one who feels like this?

Nope, this is common (a given, almost) amongst folk with anxiety disorder. Near all of us have or do suffer the EXACT same.

Is it because I smoked cannabis when I was younger? Should I be worried? I read that it is anxiety and also I should welcome it and when it's at it's worse I shouldn't close my eyes or try to fight it, I should just conquer it? But it's so hard, I get so scared that I'm going to go insane and lose my mind! Can anyone relate to this? Also when I've been on the games console staring at the tv, that's when I tend to get the feeling. Thank you if you have taken the time to read this. I hope I get the answers I need to conquer this stupid scary feeling and move on with my life!

Anxiety and transient symptoms thereof can occur at any time, but usually in the following situations:

1/ Being alone and thinking / worrying too much
2/ Being excited or stimulated
3/ In a crowded place
4/ In a noisy place
5/ In a small/closed space
6/ Stressed at work
7/ Stressed at home

Gaming covers most of the above:

You're probably alone (thinking about stuff)
You'll be stimulated
The game itself, (particularly fighting or violent games) will cause some stress
You're probably in your room (closed space)
You probably have the volume turned up (noisy)

All stimulants...

On the other hand, some people find gaming a pleasant distraction. It can work either way.

10-15-2012, 10:47 AM
Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply, it really does mean a lot. How can I stop my self from feeling like this? I try not to let it bother me but it's really hard! I understand that I'm feeling like this but I just cannot stop it! Any tips would be much appreciate.

Thank you all once again.

10-15-2012, 11:05 AM
Right now I have the strange feeling, my eyesight is blurry and I have the dream like feeling. I'm not that panicky because I keep telling my self it's fine and normal, but it just doesn't seem to want to go away. I know that by tonight this will of all faded away and I'll feel fine once again, it always does fade away and nothing ever happens. It comes, builds up a little, get scared and panic, then it wears it way off. I understand that and I understand that it will always fade away and even though I feel like I'm in a dream and everything looks strange and scary, I cannot seem to reassure my self to the point that I understand nothing bad is going to happen?! Thanks all.

10-15-2012, 11:07 AM
What I'm really trying to say is I cannot understand why I feel like this!

10-15-2012, 11:14 AM
I have had several days like that, today is one of them for me where I feel so disconnect and there's different sounds everywhere I work and its very distracting. I hate that feeling its horrible!

10-15-2012, 11:36 AM
I have had several days like that, today is one of them for me where I feel so disconnect and there's different sounds everywhere I work and its very distracting. I hate that feeling its horrible!

Yes, I always tend to feel like this when I'm at work too. The best advice I would give you is:
When you feel like this just sit back and remember you're most definitely not alone, you are not going through this by your self. If I can get through this by my self at 18 years of age, I'm more than confident you will eventually overcome this feeling. Stay positive and try not to stress too much. Taking 5 minutes to sit back and take deep breaths always helps ( might not stop you feeling like this bit will most definitely relax you ) good luck! :)

10-15-2012, 12:16 PM
Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply, it really does mean a lot. How can I stop my self from feeling like this? I try not to let it bother me but it's really hard! I understand that I'm feeling like this but I just cannot stop it! Any tips would be much appreciate.

Thank you all once again.

One of the tips is that if you feel like you are living a dream, try to live that dream.. It dont matter how unpleasant it feels.. The truth is.. Its all stuck in our head.. Ones you get used to it it will go away..

10-17-2012, 08:57 AM
For me this is the worst symptom of anxiety. And mine is also worse at work. It's so annoying. It's like my brain is foggy and I just feel weird.

10-18-2012, 05:16 PM
It is really terrifying, but harmless. When your anxiety begins to go away, so will the derealization. Good luck, everyone.

Slammed Vdub
10-18-2012, 11:07 PM
I had that for months. It was scary and made me think i was going mental. Just keep remembering that it IS anxiety. It DOES get better, it may take time however. Just keep taking it one day at a time and you WILL get through it. Dont fear loosing your mind. The trick i was always taught was... If you think/scared your loosing your mind than your not. Because, if you truly were loosing your mind you would think what was happening/doing is right and everything else was wrong. Does that make sense? Basically since you are scared of it, you are in reality because you KNOW that whats happening isnt right. Sorry if i confused you lol. Good luck