View Full Version : Help me

04-03-2007, 09:16 PM
I am here because I dont know where to turn. I have severe anxiety. It is controling my life. I am scared to go back to college. The last time I went, I had anxiety attacks every class. It consumed me and I just stopped going. I am a 24 and I want to live my life. I am letting my anxiety control my life. Every single job I look at...I think..."Can my anxiety handle this?"......Im scared to go back to school. I have tried to open up to people about this and every reaction has been horrible for me. I am so scared. I need to know that I am not alone. Please....please...help me.....I have reached such a low point in my life......

04-04-2007, 03:36 AM
I am here because I dont know where to turn. I have severe anxiety. It is controling my life. I am scared to go back to college. The last time I went, I had anxiety attacks every class. It consumed me and I just stopped going. I am a 24 and I want to live my life. I am letting my anxiety control my life. Every single job I look at...I think..."Can my anxiety handle this?"......Im scared to go back to school. I have tried to open up to people about this and every reaction has been horrible for me. I am so scared. I need to know that I am not alone. Please....please...help me.....I have reached such a low point in my life......

picture the anxiety as demons in your head.

little demons, with horns, a nasty grimace, sharp yellow teeth, and every time you have an anxious thought one points and laughs at you

this is what anxiety is, demons in your head trying to ruin your shit by putting stupid thoughts in your head that:
1) arent even real
2) cant hurt you
3) make you scared for no fucking reason

they come up with things to put inside your head...which is why you have to get rid of them

thats why you must picture yourself killing the demons in any way, shape, or form that you want

i killed 4 or 5 demons today

one with a chainsaw

one with holy water

i choked another one to death, and when it tried to come back i bootfucked it until i made sure it was dead

etc. etc.

once you kill all the demons no more bullshit thoughts will come in your head.

V for Victor
04-04-2007, 07:20 AM
Kevin has vividly illustrated the steps one must take to overcome anxiety!

In a more technical sense:

You need to understand what your anxiety really is, and not it's making you THINK it is. For instance, somebody who goes into a panic attack because their heart is racing is only going to make their heart race more. They may think they're having a heart attack, and that there's something wrong with their heart, when in reality there is NOTHING wrong with their heart at all. The problem is they have anxiety.

The good news is that you're most certainly not alone. Millions of people suffer from anxiety/depression, and everybody here can relate in some form or another to what you're experiencing.

To me, it sounds like you have Social Anxiety Disorder. There is a board on these forums especially for that. You might have a look around and see.

There are numerous options for you at this point. But first I suggest you do some research on SAD and see if it matches what you're feeling.

You can see a doctor about medication and/or therapy techniques, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You can also talk to a therapist who can help you work through your issues.

You don't have to suffer with this your whole life. You can get control of it, and reduce its power. It may never go away entirely, but if you know what it is, and how to deal with it, life gets a whole lot easier.

04-07-2007, 03:10 PM
You don't have to suffer with this your whole life. You can get control of it, and reduce its power. It may never go away entirely, but if you know what it is, and how to deal with it, life gets a whole lot easier.

This is so true, it takes a little while but you can get control of it, i've got a whole bag of tricks and mind games to give it a bashing, and they really work, keiths sounds fun I'll have to give it a try.

For a long time my anxiety attacks really spooked me, i thought i was going mad and going to die, years and years and years of attacks later i now know that is never going to happen, these days I'm just bored of it, its like my bad little buddy now, when he pops up i say 'hello how you doing' to him then tell him to clear off.

04-07-2007, 03:19 PM
...and your not alone, once you have it, and your cool about it, all these other people start coming out of the closet, people you thought were so calm and rational and cool suddenly say, "really? you too?" i would never have thought itl...

04-08-2007, 01:12 PM

You're definitely not alone. I'm in much the same situation as you! I'm 25, and I had such bad panic attacks at college that I'm scared to go back!!
