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10-13-2012, 12:43 PM
That just had a baby dealing with anxiety?

10-13-2012, 04:07 PM
My little girl is now 18 mths but from the day i had her anciety and horrible thoughts went mad then when she was 7 weeks i had a full on breakdown :-( im alot better now but still on ADs and my trouble mostly is forgetting the despair i was in but it does get better.


10-14-2012, 03:29 AM
My children are older now , when they were babies I had chronic anxiety & depression with both .
It is the most horrific feeling in the world & I ABSOLUETLY feel your pain .

Have you got family that you can talk to or friends???? Don't isolate yourself , that's the worst thing you can do .

I would see your doctor & tell him how you are feeling . Pm me anytime honey xxxx

10-14-2012, 05:32 AM
I have had the same since my son was born. He's 3 now. I wish I was better but I'm not. I seem to fix one area of my life just to have another area fall apart. I end up putting my needs last because I don't have enough strength to do it all. I suck at all this. I wish had never gotten married. I wish I had stuck to my original decision to NOT have kids. BUT, I did so now I have to at least be strong enough to take care of my son. I dread the day he realizes how messed up I am.

10-14-2012, 06:49 AM
My sons are 12 & 4 and they see me struggle , it's nothing to be ashamed of .
When your son is older be honest with him , he will always always love you
You are his mum .... It's very hard , I really do know it's difficult to look after children when you feel as we do
X x