View Full Version : pneumonia?

10-13-2012, 06:34 AM
Right I've had a cough for 2 weeks now. Someone tell me if this is my anxiety or not..
Had the cough for 2 weeks, when I first got it I had a bad cold aswell, that went within the week, the cough stayed, I've got a rattling and cracking in my right lung, and sometimes get a pain in my abdoman right underneath the lung.. I looked up the symptoms of pneaumonia (I know I shouldn't) but this came up, I'll mark the ones I've got it said phlem at the start and I've deffo got that! Lol - Other common symptoms include:
difficulty breathing -*your breathing may be rapid and shallow and you may feel breathless, even when*resting
rapid heartbeat- this could be my 'panic attacks'
fever- yes
feeling generally unwell- yes I've been I bed all day and nearly passed out yesterday
sweating and shivering- yep one minute am red hot next I'm freezing
loss of appetite- can't account ffor that one lol
pain in your chest- yes, right in middle feels like its burning
Less common symptoms

Less commonly, symptoms of pneumonia can include:
coughing up blood (haemoptysis)
headaches- I've had a few this week but not today
fatigue- yes badly
nausea- in the mornings yes
vomiting- no
wheezing- yes espacially when laid down
pain in your joints and muscles- yep, as mad as it sounds its all down my legs and back
feeling confused and disorientated (particularly in elderly people) - I suffer with depersonalisation so not sure LOL
What do u guys think? Paranoia? Anxiety? Or am I actually ill? Lol

10-13-2012, 08:22 AM
General chest infection? Have you been to the doctors about it?

10-13-2012, 08:25 AM
Whether or not you're panicking I think you really should go see a doctor

10-13-2012, 08:26 AM
You may be thinking it's a lot worse than it is because of panic but you know yourself best. I do that every time I get sick. To be safe though, I would get it checked out

10-13-2012, 09:37 AM
I rang the emergency doctors LOL they said that if its not gone by the end of the week I need to see my doctor for a chest thingy or sumat? Lol she said it sounds like a viral cough and that it can really knock you.. Phewwwwww I'm not dying (as I convinced myself lol) well I didn't convince myself I rang my mother and asked her and she told me if it is I could die in my sleep! That's the reason I panicked lol I'll be fine now.. All day in bed.. And maybe a week or so lol

10-13-2012, 09:43 AM
Do you smoke a lot? That probly won't help it lol

10-13-2012, 10:05 AM
Yeah I smoke my little head off at any oppurtunity.. May have to cut down lol

10-13-2012, 10:06 AM
Would probs be a good idea!