View Full Version : When im alone with my thoughts.. Is this an anxiety thing? What could it be?

10-12-2012, 09:40 PM
Overr the past year I have been.. Having bad impulses. When I don't meet goals I have set for myself (like with school work/grades) or when I am alone with my thoughts (which are always negative, I focus on the bad things and find it hard to remember good things), I have impulses to hurt myself. I lost my pocket knife, so I usually just claw myself with my nails or scratch my hands or arms with the spiky gatorade tops. Now, let me tell you, I don't want to kill myself, I have a lot going for me because I am a straight A student. But when I get angry at myself I want to just clench my fists and feel the sting of something scratching my skin. I don't know, maybe cuz I feel I need to punish myself for having negative thoughts? I can usually control myself pretty well and I have never made myself bleed, though I have thought about it. When I also get these "episodes" my stomach starts filling with pain, like a cramp. Then it goes away when I'm done worrying, but that usually takes at least 15-30 minutes. The weird thing is, I am never like this when I'm with friends. Maybe because when I'm with them I don't think about the stuff I do when I'm alone..
Lately, though, my sadness of all of my bad thoughts are starting to get to me more, and haunt me more throughout my day. So sometimes I blank out during class and I am less motivated to do homework (even when the homework is worth a lot of points). My grandma has even picked up that I have been more mopy, but she just blames it on being a teenager; then that makes me wonder.. IS it just a phase? Is it just me being a teenager? I am a female in 9th grade, and my bad impulses have been lingering with me for a year, but the sadness thing has just started a couple weeks ago.
I am usually pretty good at hiding my feelings in public places, so no one at school would suspect I was anything but a goody-two-shoes.. I do put A LOT of pressure on myself to do well in school, and that has been one of the things causing my bad impulses. This basically started because I got a horrible grade on a test last year, and I just grabbed a spiky Gatorade too and just held it in my hand, letting it slowly sink into my skin, because I was so mad at myself.

Well my questions are: do you think there is anything wrong with me mentally? Could all of this stuff be a big anxiety problem or just a phase of being a teen?

10-12-2012, 10:33 PM
Well you probably have anxiety however you MUST stop hurting yourself. You need to seek help. A d there is nothing wrong with that. Please please please go see a doctor. Punishing yourself for one bad grade on a test is not normal. I understand that you want to do well and there is nothing wrong with that however you are putting too much pressure on yourself. Please seek help for the self harm. And I thank God that you lost your pocket knife. Please don't take this the wrong way. If you ever need to talk to someone pele on this website are great at givi g answers and advice.

10-13-2012, 08:50 PM
If I told my doctor, she would have to tell my gmah and parents and I don't want them to find out...

10-14-2012, 12:07 AM
Your parents and grandma love you and want what's best for you. You need to be honest with them. I understand though, I had a really hard time telling my mom that something was wrong. If you're afraid of the awkward conversation maybe you could slip them a note. But regardless, you need to go see a professional.