View Full Version : Help!!!hypochindriac!!

10-12-2012, 09:28 AM
Guys I need help I'm freaking out!!! My anxiety and being a hypochindriac has me thinking that I have Leukemia. It's really scary.. After watching my sisters keeper and hearing about a lot of people having Leukemia I looked up the symptoms and now I think I have it!!!! Like If I cut myself I do bleed, sometimes my gums bleed when I brush my teeth, I do have aches and pains, and sometimes I may find one or two blood spots under the skin!!i don't want to go to the doctor because I just went and was diagnosed with having tonsil stones, which caused me to believe that I had lymphoma. Guys please help me, feel like I'm going crazy!!!

10-12-2012, 09:29 AM
Oh and I also might find a bruise that I don't know where it came from, but it goes away really fast!

10-12-2012, 10:48 AM
Hey Laticia,

I understand how your feeling. But I doubt you have leukemia. You said that if you cut yourself you bleed. Well this happens to everyone. Paper cuts, knife slips while cutting food. Everyone bleeds when the skin is broken deep enough. Also it is very common for gums to occasionally bleed after brushing. There is no need to worry about this ( although knowing anxiety sufferers, you'll probably still worry a little). Also aches and pains are very common in people with anxiety. We tense up a lot and our muscles get sore. And lots of people get random bruises and aren't sure how they got there. Maybe you leaned up against something too hard, or hit something while walking by it without noticing. Very common, I hope this makes you feel better. Best withes.

10-12-2012, 10:54 AM
Hello Laticia. Nothing you describe would even remind me of leukemia... Sure some of those symptoms do occur in people with that disease, but remember the distinction between major and minor symptoms: major symptoms are those that are significantly specific and sensitive to warrant further evaluation, minor symptoms are those that could conceivably occur due to a serious condition, but that in the absence of major ones do not point to anything serious: they have low sensitivity and specificity.

So: if you cut yourself and you bleed, that means that you have blood in your veins. A benign condition often seen in human beings. ;-) "sometimes" your gums bleed when you brush means that sometimes you brush them too hard, and that you should floss more often and better. If they ALWAYS bled you probably had gingivitis, not leukemia... Aches and pains... Well, don't we all? I am a fit guy who does a lot of sport, and in spite of that the other day I threw my back out because I picked up an old piece of furniture in an incorrect posture. Unless you had serious, frequent pain that does not go away would it warrant further investigation. And manyyyyyyy other things would be considered before going for leukemia. As to the blood spots and easy bruising, again it could be cause by zillions of benign things, and are quite prevalent. The thing is, most people who do not suffer from hypochondria as you (and I...) do, don't even mention these things when they happen to them.

Still, if anything you'd have mild anemia, not leukemia... And if you're worried, do some blood tests. The best way to overcome obsessions such as this is to face them. Really!

Keep us posted

10-12-2012, 11:30 AM
Thanks it has, after reading and thinking bout my post I realized that its just me being a hypochondriac, most of my cuts and bruises healed up within a day or two and the bruise came from running into something at work. I haven't lost any weight I actually gained a few and when I was at the doctor my temp. Was perfect. So I didn't have any type of infection.

10-12-2012, 03:49 PM
I also have sinus problems and sometimes suffer from nosebleeds

10-12-2012, 09:13 PM
I have that too. The nose bleeds because its dry.

Sinus infections are common too.

10-13-2012, 09:05 AM
Also I just recently got another cartilage piercing and it didn't bleed, and they people with leukemia bleed easily so I guess that's good