View Full Version : eeeeeesh! what is wrong with me today?!

10-12-2012, 08:15 AM
Weeks. Weeks I've gone with no panic attacks and the bloody things have jumped me again! First HUGE panic attack this morning got hold of myself, and I've now got bloody chest pains\palpitations wtf?! I don't even feel nervous what is going on? There's a few things I think could have caused this, my food thing, I can only eat weetabix and brown bread could I be running low on energy? Even though I've eaten more than usual? Or that I didn't sleep very well last night and got up at 6? But I always feel my best when I'm tired don't know why that is lol or because I'm getting married in a few weeks? Grrrrrrr I'm confused and slightly annoyed. Not slightly.. I'm fuming. Why has this stupid thing come back for me?

10-12-2012, 11:02 AM
Is the future wife rich?

10-13-2012, 12:14 AM
I'm a woman lol so the future husband isn't rich no (I wish lol)