View Full Version : well.. I'm Back..

10-12-2012, 02:43 AM
Its fucking got me.
I am fuming. Sat at bus stop minding my own business what happens? HUGE panic attack that almost resulted in me running back home! I haven't had a panic attack for weeks what the hell? I felt really detatched (I usually do but this was sumat else) and then had HUGE heart palpitations. Gutted. Felt like I'd started all over again. What the hell caused that?! I didn't go back home. I got on the bus and put my headphones in. Now feel very close to passing out (anxiety playing trick obviously) but my god thought I could deal with it.

10-12-2012, 03:16 AM
No cause, just sh*t happens. How are you feeling now?

10-12-2012, 03:49 AM
Hey cam. I thought about u this morn was wondering how u were getting on. Sucks u had another PA but well done for not running home! :)

10-12-2012, 04:10 AM
I was absolutely dying to lol took me a while to get hold of myself, I had shakes and lot! I'm still feeling a bit shaky now but hoping I'll get hold of myself again, I really don't understand what caused that! I think I'm still in shock lol I'm absolutely shattered now counting down the hours for bed!