View Full Version : Chest pain question

10-11-2012, 09:00 PM
I know chest pain is common with anxiety, but my chest pain lasts for days at a time. Pressure, pain, and tightness seems to always be there. Is that normal or is it my heart? I've had several EKG's and blood work done that came back normal, but I still have my worries about it. Does anyone experience long periods of chest pain?

10-11-2012, 09:03 PM
I've had chest pain for the past 2 weeks I was also worried about my heart! But it's normal with anxiety :) nothing to worry about! Mail me anytime

10-11-2012, 09:08 PM
heya. My name is Tristan. I'm 15 years old. I had anxiety for only a few months and it sucked.. My chest pain was sharp. randomly occurring, and imitated a heart attack.
its a absolutely normal for anxiety.. just relax, its not going to kill you.

best of luck!


10-11-2012, 09:16 PM
I've had chest pain for the past 2 weeks I was also worried about my heart! But it's normal with anxiety :) nothing to worry about! Mail me anytime

So your pain also lasts longer than a few minutes or even an hour? I feel like mine is always there, and then I go a few days feeling just fine but it always comes back

10-11-2012, 09:19 PM
I'm lying in bed right now with chest pain I've had all day! Mine comes back and goes again and I also get pains in my left arm I'm getting used to it now l ha just relax its all aniexty nothing bad is happening I promise :)

10-11-2012, 09:23 PM
I'm lying in bed right now with chest pain I've had all day! Mine comes back and goes again and I also get pains in my left arm I'm getting used to it now l ha just relax its all aniexty nothing bad is happening I promise :)

I hate to ask you so many questions and I'm sorry for asking them, but where do you get your chest pain? Mine is mostly right down the middle and sometimes towards the left side. My left shoulder usually always hurts too

10-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Exactly where mine is! Sharp pain down the middle and on the left down near my breast
And my left shoulder and going into my arm sometimes aswell!

10-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Ask me anything :)

10-11-2012, 09:30 PM
Ask me anything :)

Thank you so much! No one understands how this makes me feel. My family doesn't even listen to me when I talk about it anymore because its been bothering me for almost 10 years. I'm only 25 and the thought of dying has consumed me. I'm terrified all the time that I'm just going to drop dead. It's a scary feeling.

10-11-2012, 09:34 PM
that's exactly the way I feel! I'm only 18 and I feel thinking I'm going to have a heart attack with the chest and arm pains but I've learned to know that it's only anxiety haha this helps a lot to know other people are going true the same thing as you and your not alone!

10-11-2012, 10:14 PM
iWeb my anxiety first started, my chest pain lasted over a month and a half!

10-12-2012, 12:20 AM
Ask me anything :)

OK... what are you wearing right now? pmsl

10-12-2012, 12:37 AM

I've had all kinds of chest pain with anxiety. Ranging from stabs to heat, from numbness to tingles, from all over pain to local pain (normally more left side, under armpit and below left nipple)

I completely concur that this symptom is nothing less than utterly frightening, it's often enough to make you run for the emergency room... which anxious folk sometimes do - and I don't blame them. In fact I completely encourage it for peace of mind.

Anxiety is like a posession. An inner being that lurks and waits for aches, pains, depression and all things bad.
In effect, a part (fear response) of your brain has detached from your control and is now in the fear control seat itself.

Once it picks up on something, it will latch onto it / wrap itself around it and trigger fight or flight... making the whole issue a million times worse, often leading to sheer panic.

For your comfort, you should have realised that the pain is not continuous / constant, but rather will exhibit itself during times of unease / stress.
Stress is not always consciously obvious. You might just be sitting watching TV, unaware that your mind is ticking over some anxieties or issues you have... and before you know it, you're off down that route of fear.
Make a mental note of when the pains occurs and in particualr - how you're feeling at the time (and just before) they occur. You should realise a certain unease about you, which is essentially stress / anxiety... the cause of your pains.

Don't put off doctors visits. Go as often as you need to... but TRY to understand / accept what's going on and TRY to self-help.

10-18-2012, 08:47 PM
Wow it's great to know I'm not alone on feeling this left side chest weirdness I actually do go to the ER I stopped checking in now because everyone knows my name by heart which made me a little embarrassed but now I go for a peace of comfort & just sit in the parking lot til my anxiety gets to level 0 . I usually start to feel sleepy right away n yawning smh

10-20-2012, 10:26 AM
i've had chest pains for 4 years. continuous. i just tell myself, if it was heart related then i'd have probably died by now. i constantly feel like i'm going to faint but i never actually have. i've done all the heart tests and countless ECG's but the chest pains are still scary. especially because they're only on the left side. i just make sure i get lots of massages and do meditation daily.

10-25-2012, 05:08 PM
hi, i know how you feel my chest feels all achey and like theres pressure there all day every day it drives me crazy, had all the usual tests and they say i am fine i just have a hard time leavening them i hate feeling like theres summit wrong all the time. if u have any tips how to manage tthis id be gratfull.
hope u all feel better soon