View Full Version : Irritated

10-11-2012, 05:58 PM
Getting pretty tired of my bf acting like everytime I'm anxious it's the end of the world and OH SO AWFUL that I'm not happy and jolly everyday. He has no issue with dipping into my meds and taking them while he's drinking, but other than that my anxiety is like a cancer in his life.. Anyone else have this issue?

10-12-2012, 12:56 AM
No because I don't have your boyfriend, lol

For partners (particularly the young, ill-informed & closed-of-mind), this mental illness is not well received.
And even if it is received, it is often taken as a personal insult... since they think it's caused by them, or the relationship as a whole.

I don't mean to alarm you, but often... ironically... anxiety actually IS often caused by shitty relationships.

One of the couple maybe feeling trapped / unhappy / uneasy / fallen out of love / bored / stressed / yet stick with it because they feel a duty to... and although they might THINK they're managing ok, in fact... it's eating them alive / destroying their soul & stripping them of their identity.

You now need to look at this relationship in an analytical / logical perspective. Is it good? is it worth keeping? (be HONEST with yourself... it's your life / happiness at stake)

10-12-2012, 01:41 AM
He needs to stop taking your meds. Those are yours, not his. He is the one who needs help. Not you. And feeling anxious is not the end of the world as you know and he should just accept the fact that you can't be happy and jolly every freaking moment of the day.

10-12-2012, 06:31 AM
Exactly guys. Thanks :) I shouldn't have to hide my meds or keep things to myself because he doesn't want to hear it at all. Should've seen how he reacted when I had to move out of his moldy house that was killing me (and no one else is the house was sick so "why are you the only one sick??") I didn't have anxiety attacks until I met him, actually. I'm pretty sure he's the main reason for my attacks. There's some serious deep down issues in him that I can't even begin to accept. I know it's time to move on but something in me keeps me with him besides love- he's broken and weak and though its not my fault, I would feel guilty making it worse. Stupid reason but I know it's common at least lol.