View Full Version : Newbie : just got diagnosed

10-11-2012, 06:27 AM
Hey,first off sorry if this isn't the right section for this.

So my names Shevi I'm a 17 year old girl, I was previously seeing a psychologist and talking to my doctor/gp about depression, and I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety within the past month I have been finding it a lot harder and the symptoms seem to be getting worse.. I have recently just moved school and I am very nervous there I still don't know heaps about anxiety and I am talking to my psychologist about it I'm just not sure how I can help myself abit more when I am at school because most of my anxiety is based from school , which I think was being bullied at my old school plus having my best friend who is suicidal and having to stop her numerous times I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense I'm still confused about this stuff and I fin it extremely hard to talk to people about it even to my pyschologist :/ any advice ? :/ thanks

10-11-2012, 08:54 AM
Did the psychologist refer you for cognitive behavioural therapy? That's a route which many people with anxiety go down. Whilst reading up about anxiety can be helpful, sometimes it can lead to more worry and even create new symptoms.

Distraction is a good method of overcoming the anxious thoughts that cycle around in your head. I find i'm more anxious and in more pain at work. In my own space I am more relaxed.

A new school and change can often be a stressful time. But try and keep as busy as possible so you don't wind up over-thinking and worrying and fretting etc.

If you haven't already ask your doctor about the possibility of starting CBT to see if it helps you.


10-11-2012, 09:07 AM
Drove ma Shevi to the Levvi but the Levi was dryyyyy...

10-14-2012, 02:42 PM
Yeah, I think they were going to start me on behavioral therapy but I have to wait till the 1st of November because that's when my pyschologist gets back from holidays and I have trust issues so I refuse to talk to barely anyone..

And thanks for the advice (: